Friday, October 12, 2007

Hair: Blonde or Brown

Now, I reserve the right to delete these at any time, so comment away quick and let me know what hair color suits me better. The top pic is colored (pic taken summer 06 when The Wild Child was about 7 months old), and the bottom pic is my natural color (taken TG 05 before The Wild Child was born). I did the Kelly Ripa thing and let it grow out while I was pregnant, just because I was too lazy to get it done. I know I look like shit in the bottom pic, but I was not enjoying my pregnancy and had just been put on bedrest for PIH. That'll piss anyone off.

Now, I don't go back for a hair appt until Nov 20-something, so I won't be doing anything before then, but I'd like some honest opinions on what suits me best. Ignore the big belly and squinty eyes in the pregnancy pic and don't let that influcence your decision.


Brit said...

I think I prefer the blond - I'm thinking it makes you look younger? I'm such a bad judge - either way, I think you look great.

Kate said...

Gotta go with Britni and say the are of course, gorgeous either way but I'm grooving on the blond

Kate said...

Gotta add...the blonde makes you look younger too...very very MILFish

Smoochiefrog said...

Blonde. You look better blonde.

clemsongirlandthecoach said...

Blond, baby, Blond

Smoochiefrog said...

Geez, now I re-read what I wrote and it sounds like I think you don't look good brunette. It's not that at all. Your coloring goes better with the blonde hair. I'll shut up now before I put my leg any further into my mouth.

Anonymous said...

From another hair color whore - I am actually going to go right on out there away from the crowd and say brown, but I am going to confuse the matter by saying honey colored highlights to give it some dimension. Too blonde washes you out, but i know from being a former all over brown that it is too much too dark too all over , so lighten it with some hlights.

Rebecca said...
