On My Nightstand: Prudent Advice: Lessons for My Baby Daughter (such a GREAT pick-up-and-put-down read) and Praying God's Word Day by Day in preparation for one of my New Year's resolutions: more purposeful prayer.
TV Show Worth Watching: We've been watching The Dog Whisperer as a family hoping to teach the kids, especially The Wild Child, the proper way to interact with our new dog Bella. He's an absolutely amazing man and I am so impressed by his techniques!
In My Kitchen: remnants of Christmas celebrations..... I need to get the leftover sweets out of there in the next few days to prepare for my new Shred It or Dread It plan.
Three Newest Blog Reads:
- Totally Together Journal. Keeping it all together is part of the "new me" plan and come January 1st, I am all over The Daily 7.
- Picky Palate. Thanks to Jenny, I've got WC's birthday cupcakes down to two options, but haven't yet decided between her Hot Chocolate Cupcakes or her Fluffer Oreo Birthday Boy Cupcakes. Decisions, decisions, decisions....
- Etsy Taste Test. Fun fun fun! Here's my results.
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