Well, first I want to admit to you that I only took 14 pictures, and half of them are of this little guy. For some reason, after about 5 Miami Vices, I was sure that The Politician would think this was so cool, so I took 7 pictures of him. And not one single picture after that.
Luckily, Cory shared her pics with me this morning so you can share in the fun (and the insanity).

Before we landed in Mexico, we were given some paperwork to fill out. Notice anything strange? What the hell is a "leye"? Maybe your left eye? And what is "Nasal flux"? We weren't sure, but checked no for good measure. We certainly didn't want them putting us on the next plane back to TX!

Cory, me, Steph, Jodie, and Heather
We checked in when we arrived around lunchtime on Thursday and changed and headed straight to the pool. The weather was gorgeous and the drinks were flowing. Jodie and Steph played a never-ending game of Tequila Volleyball and we knew we were going to have fun.
After spending the afternoon outside, we went in to clean up and get ready for dinner. We decided to try the steak house on the resort.

This was my baked potato (that's my hand for size reference)! We laughed for 20 minutes, especially since they gave me a container of sour cream that was bigger than the baked potato itself. Way funny. Do they only have mini potatoes in Mexico? Someone please explain.
After dinner we headed to the club and singled-handedly turned it into a party. Really. We were one big Julie the Cruise Director and had every person in the bar up and dancing with us.

However..... look at my feet! I had to kick off my flip flops to really get down, and I later realized how dirty the floor was. The night ended with me washing my feet in the sink before bed.

Not nearly as bad as this guy's feet, huh? He was a golfer with a serious sock tan, and I guess he didn't apply any sunscreen the first day. His poor feet were swollen and one big blister, and of course I whipped out the camera to take a pic after telling him he needed to go to the hospital. But he seemed to be numbing the pain with alcohol.

At one point I almost drowned, and here's the pic to prove it. Steph and I were frolicking out in the ocean and I got knocked down by a big wave. Each time I tried to stand up, I got knocked back down and got all scratched up. Steph kept trying to help me, but we were both dying laughing (and I was swallowing salt water) and we just couldn't get it together.

But I finally got out and lived to tell the tale!
I had a fabulous trip with my girls and loved every minute- even when the AC went out and our room flooded the last day.
But if it wasn't for Carlos the Immigration Worker I might not have made it out out of the country. Seems that they give you a little piece of paper upon entry into the country that you have to have in your possession to leave the country. Yeah, I don't know what happened to that.
So PSA: Don't lose anything that they give you when you enter the country! I had to wait on the Immigration office to open and sweetly ask Carlos to help me get the paperwork I needed in time to get my boarding pass and ticket. He was super-nice and didn't charge me the $45 fee since it was my first time and since "hopefully you learned a lesson." So thanks Carlos!
Stayed tuned for more updates and the other girls upload more pics to our Snapfish group room!