My friend Amanda pointed out to me last Friday that White Rock was about 2 weeks away... which meant I only had about 2 weeks to finish training for my 3rd half marathon! Cue shock and horror. Hard to believe it's so close.
My biggest training problem has been that we haven't had a treadmill. It died during the summer and we just hadn't had the time to replace it. It was a great Reebok model that we bought about 9 years ago and lasted both of us through many many Couch to 5K runs.
But treadmills don't seem to be made like the used to be, and we had a hard time finding a model wtih a big enough HP for our liking.
After much research (seriously, the Mr. ought to go to work for Consumer Reports, he is SO good at researching products), he bought the Sole F80.

And I love it! It's quite sturdy and I think it will serve us well for a long time.

Trolling Pinterest (seriously, it's an addiction), I saw an interval program and thought I've give it a try for some treadmill runs. After following the pin, I decided to give the beginner one a try first! I have done the one above a few times and really like it- I don't use an incline though because I am prone to shin splints. Last night I actually did it twice and felt like I got a great 40 minute workout in. And for me, it was a bit of a speed workout- my legs are short and running at 6.5 is like someone is chasing me!
I did 9.5 miles on Saturday, and plan on doing 11 this weekend, so hopefully I'll be ready and make it through. I got some new insoles at a local running store and I really think they are going to help my arch problems and foot pain. Yay for local businesses!