Getcha some!
Getcha some!
The other day I was at the liquor store getting Mr. Sasha some Sailor Jerry, and I went down the beer aisle to pick up some Lindemans Framboise (of course!). I glanced around and saw a six pack of the cutest little drinks I had ever seen- they were a party waiting to happen!
And you know me, I of course picked them up. I have no clue how to pronounce it, and the website it all in Belgium, but they are damn tasty. It's described on the can as Belgian White Beer with Raspberries. I love all things raspberry you know!
Getcha some.
Poor WC spilled her milk in her lap at breakfast, and had to wear these for the rest of the day.
I always buy tennis shoes for the kids from Joe's New Balance Outlet. I usually watch for a free shipping weekend and stop up on shoes that are less than $20- I've gotten some as low as $9 and I usually try to pay around $18. I've found New Balance shoes to be high quality- the kids outgrow them before they are worn out.
So..... this is a free shipping weekend! Hope you can find some good deals in sizes for you family!
Why do I hate making phone calls so much? I tried to start each conversation very upbeat and friendly, so as to hopefully set the tone for a successful phone call. I have taken care of all but #4 with good results.
I'm ready for Suds it Up Saturday and some beer.
Let's just leave it off....