Friday, May 25, 2012
$5 off $50 at Target w/ Shopkick Coupon
Ever behind the times, I just discovered the Shopkick App yesterday and saved $5 off $50 at Target just by having the cashier scan the a bar code from the app on my phone!
Here's how the free app (available on both Andriod and iPhone) works: When you open the app on your way into a participating store like Target, it automatically recognizes you. You can then earn points called “kickbucks” for entering the store and for fun stuff like scanning select bar codes while you are there (you should have seen me doing this- it was fun!). Kickbucks can be redeemed for different rewards (including Target gift cards). You will sometimes also get scannable Target Coupons like the $5 off $50 which you can redeem at checkout. The current $5 coupon is available until 5/26.
If you are new to Shopkick and sign up thru this link, we'll both get 50 Bonus Kicks. Holler if you have any questions. One tip: Don't activate the $5 off $50 coupon until you are at the register- it will expire 12 hours after you tap "use".
Friday, May 18, 2012
The Sasha Family Children's Library
I've been busy building a library of some of my favorite childhood books for the kiddos. I think reading is oh-so-important and hope that they will love jumping nose-first into a book just like I did (and still do, if life gives me a few extra minutes here and there).
I didn't make this list with either girls or boys in mind. I think it's important to have a variety of books on your bookshelf and let the child choose what grabs their fancy. This list is just a few of my personal favorites and some I plan to add to our bookshelf, if they aren't already there.
1. Anne of Green Gables
2. A Baby Sister for Frances
3. Nancy Drew Mysteries
4. The Complete Adventures of Curious George
5. Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
6. Little Women
7. Where the Sidewalk Ends
8. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
9. Little House on the Prairie
10. From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
11. Flat Stanley
12. Choose Your Own Adventure books
13. The Ramona Collection
14. Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective
And of course I thought of one more after working on that silly pic above in Paint FOREVER. Right now I am reading Charlotte's Web
Now your turn- what books have I forgotten?
Of course, this post is chock-full of Amazon affiliate links.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Beer Woes
Today I am lamenting the beer laws in Oklahoma. We've talked about this before, but the subject never gets old.
From Wikipedia: Any beverage containing more than 3.2% alcohol by weight or 4% alcohol by volume, that is, most liquors, wines, and typical beer, may only be sold in licensed liquor stores at room temperature. Due to this refrigeration ban, many smaller breweries such as the Spoetzl brewery and New Belgium will limit or not sell their products in Oklahoma, despite passing through the state to deliver to neighboring states.
So yeah, there are some things we just don't get here. Like Michelob Ultra Amber. Since Michelob just doesn't care to make it in 3.2 just for Oklahoma and Kansas, we have to stock up when we are out of state.
My cart at a Walmart in Texas recently. Nope, not having a party, just stocking up on things we can't buy back home.
So I'm a little worried that I won't be able to find the new Michelob Ultra Light Cider here....... it looks delightful and perfect for summer. I can picture myself on the patio drinking it over ice. So if you are local and see it, will you send out a smoke signal to me? Or possibly pick some up for me? I REALLY want to try it!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
My Favorite Shows: Cancelled
Mr. Sasha and I are so sad! We found out yesterday that four of our favorite shows have been cancelled.
Pan Am, Missing, The Firm, and GCB have all been axed. Along with quite a few others- these were just the four we watched together.
It's quite frustrating to get so into these plots and storylines, only to have shows cancelled so early!
I think, from now on, we'll just start watching shows when they get to season 3. Then we should be safe.
Were there any of your favorites on the cancelled list?
Monday, May 14, 2012
Oh, the Place You'll Go!
I am *so* excited about my latest Pinterest project! Pinterest is such a great resource.
I purchased two copies of Oh, the Places You'll Go! and am going to have our teachers write a note to P and WC in their book at the end of each school year. When I give these to them when they graduate from high school, I'm hoping this will be something they can always treasure and be inspired by.
Of course, with P being in 2nd grade this year, I'm a bit late getting started, but luckily his K and 1st grade teachers are still at our school and I've already been able to have his 1st grade teacher write her note. It truly brought tears to my eyes to read what she wrote and I am so excited for this project.
Any other ideas from Pinterest I need to jump on? I am amazed with my zest for Pinterest projects!
I purchased two copies of Oh, the Places You'll Go! and am going to have our teachers write a note to P and WC in their book at the end of each school year. When I give these to them when they graduate from high school, I'm hoping this will be something they can always treasure and be inspired by.

Of course, with P being in 2nd grade this year, I'm a bit late getting started, but luckily his K and 1st grade teachers are still at our school and I've already been able to have his 1st grade teacher write her note. It truly brought tears to my eyes to read what she wrote and I am so excited for this project.
Any other ideas from Pinterest I need to jump on? I am amazed with my zest for Pinterest projects!
Friday, May 11, 2012
What's In My Bag?
Kate from The Small Things Blog has been doing a great series this week about bloggers and their purses and the contents. I love seeing what other people carry and what's inside, so I thought I'd show mine.
I'm currently carrying my beloved Coach Parker Shoulder bag in Violet. Love love love this bag! The side pockets are perfect for my cell and make it super-easy to find when it rings. (*If* I hear it, I'm notorious for not hearing my phone ring!)
1. Wallet- Hobo International Nancy in black. One of our babysitters recommended this brand to me, and I LOVE this wallet. I have a zillion things in there and it holds it all nice and cozy and it's absolutely perfect.
2. Notecard binder from Real Simple, purchased a few years ago a Target. I use this for password hints and random notes.
3. Checkbook. I ordered the cover to match my checks sometime back. Yes, I *still* write some checks!
4. 2 card holders from Real Simple, purchased from Target a few years ago. I keep loyalty cards, library cards, and gift cards in these.
5. Card case from Allisa Jacobs. I have some of my blog business card in there. Guess I need to hand some out!
6. Mini flashlight my mom got me- I have used this more times than I thought I would.
1. Plastic snap case from the Dollar Spot at Target. This holds CVS ExtraCare Bucks and coupons I plan to use soon. Contents are ever-changing based on weekly sales and grocery lists.
2. Powder for touch-ups.
3. Altoids Smalls in Cinnamon and Extra Desert Delights gum in Mint Chocolate Chip- my entire family is obsessed with this gum- it REALLY tastes like ice cream! Like Aunt Monica, I will *always* have gum.
4. Poshe Cuticle Care (used several times a day to keep cuticles moisturized) and Avon Cuticle Oil Pen (used for NOTD shots).
5. Methyl B-12 pills (I am B-12 Deficient Anemic and take one mid-day for a pick-me-up) and a hairbrush (I have super-fine hair that gets tangled if I stand up, not to mention the Oklahoma wind sweeping down the plain!).
6. Advil. Seems like someone always needs some.
7. Delux Tintstik in Dot (discontinued of course), Bite High Pigment Pencil in Bramble, and Buxom Big & Healthy Lip Stick in Havana. Ever-changing, no day's lipstick is the same.
8. A pen. I usually have a mechanical pencil (accountant check-in!), but seems like someone (cough cough P) made off with it.
9. Crystal Light packets in Raspberry Lemonade.
Want to show what's in your bag? Holler and I can feature it on Sasha Says.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
What's Shorterest?
It's when an idea you've seen on Pinterest, that looks really neat and easy, turns out to be quite time-consuming. So as you do most things in your life- you figure out how to short-cut it.
Short-cut + Pinterest = Shorterest.
I saw this project a few weeks ago and thought it looked genius- I mean, considering my second child has no baby book and she's 6 (so sorry WC!), there's no way I could actually journal the events of my day... but only one line per day? Hell, even I can do that! And I have a date stamp at work! And a paper cutter too!
This project seemed made for non-crafty slackers like me.
So I gathered up my supplies: a cute box I picked up some time ago in the Dollar Spot at Target, a few packages of 4X6 lined index cards, and my date stamp and stamp pad. Don't go trying to look for this particular box- it's long-gone I'm sure. But I bet you can find something else suitable.
And I quickly figured out that my date stamp wasn't going to work because it has my initials below the date. I tried various covering-up methods, but I got a headache within a few minutes and gave that up. I just decided to hand label the dates.
And then taking into account the size of my box and the fact that I wanted to be able to write more than 4 words per day (I can be wordy given the opportunity), I decide not to cut the cards in half.... but just to cut them to fit. So I just took off half an inch.
So voila! Here is my finished product! I figure I don't need the monthly dividers... after I journal each day, I'm just going to stick that day at the back. Less work for me!
It's Shorteresting!
Have you Shorterested anything?
Monday, May 7, 2012
Block Party 2012
Last night I fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face. Saturday was our annual Block Party and I thanked God for blessing our family with a wonderful home to live in- and for providing us with wonderful neighbors who have created an amazing community for us to raise our family in. Folks, it just doesn't get any better than this.
If you don't know your neighbors, let me encourage you to knock on their door and invite them to join you outside for a cookout. You might just make some life-long friends like we have! Whether it be for a cup of sugar, signing for packages, or watching your kids in a pinch, I count on my neighbors for so much, and am always glad to return the favor. I can't imagine living anywhere else!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Time Is Not Mine
I am not in control. The clock, the calendar- they are not mine. I don't get to choose when things happen.
WC has never followed any sort of traditional schedule. The only thing that's been certain with her is that things will be flat unpredictable.
Over the past few years, I have gotten used to playing Musical Beds, never waking up in the bed I feel asleep in. WC's SPD causes her to seek out input while she sleeps, and Little Feet Pushing Into Someone's Back (her) plus Light Sleeper Syndrome (me) do not mesh well.
So when WC would make her appearance in our bed in the middle of the night, I'd quietly move to the solace of her bed, letting her jab her little feet into Mr. Sasha, who could blissfully sleep through a tornado. In her bed, all by myself, I could nestle in under her weighted blanket and get back to sleep for a few hours.
But the dog often heard People Moving Around and would decide she needed to go out. And for some reason, in the middle of the night she forgets how to use her doggie door and is certain that she needs me to actually open the door for her. So there's more getting up, and walking around, and sometimes the getting back to sleep part of my plan would take a bit.
And please don't think we hadn't tried to get her to stay in her bed. On the contrary! There were nights we carried her back to her bed seventy-eleven times, only to have her re-appear minutes later. Or insist that you need to stay with her. So she could push her feet into your back, obv. It was a battle that we weren't going to win, and we made peace with it.
But one night last month, I awoke to my alarm to realize I was in my own bed! And so we had a little party that morning, celebrating and high-five-ing each other, and hugging WC and telling her what a wonderful, big-girl thing she did- sleeping in her own bed all night!
But was it a fluke? Or was she finally ready? That very day I printed out a reward chart and put it on the fridge. I asked her to select a beautiful marker and color in her very first box, and promised that once 10 boxes were colored in, there would be a PRIZE.
Now, you may note she started in the lower left hand corner, which was not what I planned, but fine. We just went with it. And she continued to the right, and once that row was full, she moved to the next row. Oh, there were mornings that box-coloring-in did not happen, but there were more morning that it did. I think those first 10 took about 2 1/2 weeks. But it was progress.
And so now she's gotten her first reward, a variety of craft supplies, and we are working on her second. And I am getting more sleep.
And my mantra from the fast few years, This Too Shall Pass, rings oh-so-true. Maybe not on my schedule, but that's OK.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
What I Am Into: April 2012
My beautiful in-real-life friend (and published author!) Megan at Sorta Crunchy often does a fabulous What Are You Into post and I am joining in for April. Lamenting that Spring, at least here, is almost over! Super-hot summer, here we come!
On My Nightstand: I am a reading machine! In April I finished the second and third books in the Hunger Games trilogy and now I am absolutely dying to see the movie. I credit my Kindle with getting me back on board with reading books for pleasure.
Want To Read: My Sunday school class is doing The Good and Beautiful God and it is fabulous.
T.V. Show Worth Watching: Scandal! It's a fast-paced, quick-witted legal drama, and the Mr. and I are hooked! I love finding shows we can watch together. Cause he's just not gonna watch Dance Moms Miami or Smash, and I'm OK with that.
Movie I've Seen (in our out of the theater): Zilch. But really, I've got to see Hunger Games. Who's going with me?
In My Kitchen: Gnats! And I can't get rid of them! Help!
In My Ears: I still have Cheers (Drink To That) from Smash on replay. Loving Megan Hilty.
Three Newest Blog Reads:
What I'm Looking Forward to Next (This!) Month: Baseball! P's team won their first game last night and I was so glad to be back at the ball fields. Home.
I love what Megan said at the end of her post, and I'll ditto it: NOW then. Your turn! What are YOU into this month? Fill up the comment space or borrow this for inspiration on your own blog.
On My Nightstand: I am a reading machine! In April I finished the second and third books in the Hunger Games trilogy and now I am absolutely dying to see the movie. I credit my Kindle with getting me back on board with reading books for pleasure.
Want To Read: My Sunday school class is doing The Good and Beautiful God and it is fabulous.
T.V. Show Worth Watching: Scandal! It's a fast-paced, quick-witted legal drama, and the Mr. and I are hooked! I love finding shows we can watch together. Cause he's just not gonna watch Dance Moms Miami or Smash, and I'm OK with that.
Movie I've Seen (in our out of the theater): Zilch. But really, I've got to see Hunger Games. Who's going with me?
In My Kitchen: Gnats! And I can't get rid of them! Help!
In My Ears: I still have Cheers (Drink To That) from Smash on replay. Loving Megan Hilty.
Three Newest Blog Reads:
- Young House Love- Oh how I wish I was creative as they are! Plus, they posted O.P.P. yesterday. 'Nuff said.
- MWOP- not new, but I see so many people with MckMama on their blogroll.... and guys, she's a scammer! Can't we all agree to stop reading her lies and giving her clicks? Start here.
- Blogging With Amy- Amy posts fabulous tips, tools & tutorials about blogging.
What I'm Looking Forward to Next (This!) Month: Baseball! P's team won their first game last night and I was so glad to be back at the ball fields. Home.
I love what Megan said at the end of her post, and I'll ditto it: NOW then. Your turn! What are YOU into this month? Fill up the comment space or borrow this for inspiration on your own blog.
Disclosure: This post contains Amazon referral links.
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