I found her in the kitchen in this get-up that she dug out of a sack of baby clothes that someone just returned to me.
It's a 6-12 month outfit that's pants and a long-sleeved shirt. However, on a 3 1/2 year old, not so much.
She was doing a little jig, although I'm not sure how she was seeing where she was going with that infant towel over her head.
And her name is now "Your Daughter" since that's pretty much what we refer to her as.
HYSTERICAL! This made me laugh a lot.
LMBO! What a character. That's too precious. Too precious.
That's HILARIOUS! I'm glad you were able to take a picture. What a great story for when she's 18.
Hubby and I always refer to the pups as "Your Dog" when they are naughty!
Hil-arious! Love that! I'm impressed she could even get into those clothes! Just what I needed to start my morning... ;)
I Love it! Was she dancing to the music in her mind? I bet you all got tickled!
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