Sunday, October 7, 2007

Daddy is home from The Big Game

So Mr. Sasha did not get home from The Big Game until after 11 pm last night, and the kids had not seen him since Friday morning, because, you know, The Big Game is a two day affair.

Anyway, I let Mr. Sasha sleep in a little since he was so kind to me after the Fall Festival and let me do the same. So The Politician was watching a little Tigger and Pooh, and The Wild Child and I were doing a puzzle (hooray for not reading the George and Bunny book!) in the living room.

When he finally woke up, Mr. Sasha was so excited to see the kids, but alas, The Politician was too into his TV.

Mr. Sasha: Hi guys! I missed you so much!

The Wild Child: Daddy!

The Politician: silence.......

Sasha: Politician, your daddy wants to give you a hug- he's excited to see you!

The Politician: But momma, can't you see I'm busy??????

Mr. Sasha was crushed, but understands the importance of not missing an epi of your favorite show.

1 comment:

Kate said...

You need to remind Mr. Sasha that the only games that mattered this weekend were:

1. Boston Red Sox
2. New England Patriots

Oh wait, that's Mr. Kate that needs to learn this bad!