Monday, January 14, 2008

If You Got an Email From Me About the C25K

and it ended with this line:

I think the duct tape is our next option! She is quite a rascally rabbit and I think that might be the solution! Glad to hear it works for you.

I'm sorry.

I should really try to slow down a little. In my haste to try to email the spreadsheet out quickly, I've been cutting and pasting from previous emails. So this little note that was supposed to go to one mom who commiserated on WC's undressing/peeing in bed, ended up going to who knows how many unsuspecting people.

So lest you think I am totally crazy (which I am by the way), that last sentence should not have been there!


clemsongirlandthecoach said...

um, WTF?

Ashley said...

Sasha! Thanks so much for sending the spreadsheet. I gave you props on my blog and it helped so much!!

LSU Melanie said...

thanks for the spreadsheet...Almost finished week #2!!! Yeah!!!