Monday, January 28, 2008


Are you on the Couch to 5K Bandwagon? Post a comment with your blog address and I'll add a little C25K blogroll later today. Add the graphic to your blog too if you like! Again people, it's all about starting a revolution. I want a Wall Street Journal article about me and this phenomenon I started. (Yeah, yeah, I know I can't take credit for the plan itself, but I'll sure as hell take credit for the bazillion emails I've sent out about it!)

Edited to add: Does anybody want to create a C25K blinkie? Some runners don't have rugrats/hellions yet, and they certainly shouldn't be left out of the fun! If I knew how to do it, I'd be all over it!


A.D. said...

Hi! I just finished week 2 and I'm going strong! I haven't put the graphic on b/c technically I'm not a Mom (I don't think kitties count!) Here's my blog address: I'm all about the revolution and I think you deserve a lot of credit! Without you, I never would have even heard of C25K!

Traci Anne said...

I did my "warmup" last night - i.e. 20 minutes of walking/jogging. I actually jogged for a full five minutes! After not working out for months! So I'm pretty psyched about the Couch to 5K thing now... :)

Jennifer said...

I've been doing it for several weeks now. I am not on a certain "week" of the plan. I'll let you take the credit even though I had discovered it before I discovered you:) Thanks for the spreadsheet though!

Mrs. Everything said...

I'm all about the revolution!

Kate said...

Still going:) I'm on week 3 - but I'm actually doing slightly longer runs. My daughter dropped one of my dumbells on my foot yesterday. I did the elliptical instead of the treadmill today & may just swim laps the rest of the week & resume week 3 next week.

Ashley said...

I'm doing C25K as well.
I'm starting week one over again, as I was majorly sick last week.

My address is:

Also, I didn't add the banner either. i'm only a mom to two cats.

Anonymous said...

Starting week three tomorrow and am loving it. I feel so great and definitely have more energy. Plus I don't have to feel so guilty about indulging my bad habits (wine, Starbucks, chocolate). By the third day of each week (I do five work outs a week)I find myself stretching one or two of the "running" segments just to see how far I can go. Not orthodox, I know, but it makes it even more fun.

I printed out the schedule for my bf and am in the process of nagging/encouraging her to start this as well.


Ashley Smith said...

I am up for it as well!

Rachael said...

About 5 years ago I did something similar from a Shape magazine article. Went from not running at all to doing really well in a 5K. Eventually started running marathons, but lately have really slacked off. WAY OFF. I've been wanting to start running again for some time now.

What the heck...I'm in. I'll start this weekend. (I'll have to look back and find the rules/instructions...)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, running just isn't my thing. I'm embracing it. I tried, but I'm too fat right now. Maybe after I lose 30 or so pounds I'll try again.

I'm still working out like a crazy person though. :)

Carie said...

Me! Me! Put me on! I started day 1 of week 4 this week!!!

Carie said...

Oh, and I want a C25K blinky!

LSU Melanie said...

Day 2 week 4!!! Thank you Thank you!! You have inspired me...I have been walking on the treadmill everyday for 2 years and was in desperate need of a new plan..Please add me to the list and when I become a mom you can add the blinkie:)

Beach Bum said...

Just started this morning. Completed Day 1 of Week 1! For me, this is an accomplishment! Here's hoping that I can keep rolling! My goal is to lose 10 lbs. (realistic for my height) and to run a race with hubby this spring! Wish me luck! I'm depending on all of you to keep me motivated! Love your blog and enjoy reading everyone's comments too! Here's my

Jennifer said...

I tried to figure out what week I am most like and it is closest to Week 5 Day 1. I walk 5 minutes and then Run 5/Walk 2. So I should be running the entire 3.2 miles soon!

Unknown said...

Are you trying to kill me? LOL I made it through 3/4 of the first day of week one, which is huge for me. I NEVER exercise. What kind of treadmill do you have? Mine is a rather cheap one given to us by my Dad and I think it's hindering me.

Lori said...

I'm joining in too. I really need to get myself motivated again, and the best way I've found is to have a schedule and a goal. So thanks for giving me just what I needed.

Erin said...

I am so on the bandwagon! I am loving this! I can't run to save my life but you know what I did week one day one and two and it just rocks! I did it and I feel so happy that I did it!!

Anonymous said...

I'm in too! I need to do something to get back into a fitness routine. Found out about this and your blog through Rachel's and I liked the idea and I really like your blog too!

Christen L said...

I'm convinced. Here's our link:

MoscowMom said...

I "joined" a week ago... Just finished my third run... My shins are sore and my muscles are a bit shocked, but it feels great! Ya-hoo! I was so inspired by your husband's before and after pictures!

Adoption Blog said...

Hi Sasha,

I found you through Rachel's blog. I thought I left you a post yesterday, telling you I had just started. I hope I can keep it up as I had numerous knee surgery.

Here is my blog address:

I'd love the spreadsheet as well if that is possible.

