I found them at Amazon, 5 pounds for $15 or so, which is a steal, and they were even included in the $25 free super saver shipping thingy. So of course I had to look for more products to get up to $25.
Since I also love Cola bottles, I decided I'd order some of those too. Only..... the ones I got are absolutely huDge (tm Ashley)! Like you won't believe how big......
OMG, gross! Did you eat those?
Your ring is so beautiful. I remember when we were at nan's batch party and I put yours on and you put mine on and it looked weird on both of us.
I love it. You don't have a wedding band, do you? I don't. Does that mean we are not really married?
Have a good Friday. I hope Tigger is good for you. I love you!
Holy Crap!! That is one gorgeous ring and one huge Coke candy thingy. That gives me a good idea for a blog post....take a picture of wedding/engagement ring and the story behind it (proposal, how the ring was picked out, why you love the style, whatever trips your trigger).....hmmmmmm
Sasha = ShopAholic... just noticing :)
I am not saying that the pot is not calling the kettle black. enJOY your "good deal"
WHOA. Can you pass some of those my way? They'll go well with my froyo-Jack Daniels-tortilla chip supper.
Traci Anne, they were fab with my raspberry yogurt/mini moon pie/mike's hard light cranberry lemonade dinner.
So is the coke bottle thing one of those liquid filled wax concoctions? I love those. So fun to chew the wax like gum...makes me feel like I am in fifth grade all over again!
BTW, beautiful ring!
Lipstick, these are actually just giant gummi coke bottles. Like gummi bears....
I do remember the wax things... do they still make those?
I am really jealous of that giant coke candy. I want some.
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