Sunday, June 8, 2008

Swimming- Redneck Style


Rachael said...

Oh, that's hilarious.

Anonymous said...


Hair Girl said...


Anonymous said...

Dude! That's awesome! :)

Anonymous said... That picture made my afternoon! Love it!

Anonymous said...

I promise, I stuck two of my kids in one of those big plastic bins in the backyard this weekend, filled it with water, called it a pool. Now, the floaty might have been a bit much...I'm just sayin...

Lipstick said...

Too funny! (currently watching Blue Collar Comedy Tour)

Multislacking Mama said...

That's fun. Next weekend, maybe you can put her in a trash can (clean or new) and fill it up. Whhhhhhoooooo!

Anonymous said...

OMG... that's too funny! My IL's love to tell the story of my DH "swimming" in a 5 gallon bucket when he was a kid. So cute!

M said...

Now THAT is how you do it :)

Sasha said...

That bucket was not clean or new. Plus my mother had taken off WC's diaper and pulled her shorts back up. And this was in our front yard, and we are on a somewhat busy street.

I knew I shouldn't have gone in the house to go to the bathroom.....

Anonymous said...

My favorite part - that she has her floatie on. Swimming in those paint cans is dangerous deep, ya'll (said in my best Britney drawl). That is a totally trashtastic picture!!!

Anonymous said...

This picture gave me a good laugh.

morewineplease said...

too too too freaking fun! love it!