1. So I'm breaking myself of nose spray today. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I simply can't take cold meds because they make my stomach feel icky. So it's been a few weeks and I know it's time to go cold turkey. Last night was the night. It's so hard because Afrin is the Most.Awesome.Thing.Ever. I go through this same cycle every time I get a cold. Mr. Sasha gets all mad when he sees me using it, but I always tell him, "I always stop....."
2. After reading a post from Tina, we got our Little People Nativity Scene out on Monday night, and against my better judgement, we left it out within reach of The Wild Child. After I hunted for missing Baby Jesus for 20 minutes last night, I had Mr. Sasha look and he found it in a bag of clothes I had set by the door to return to a friend. Good save, Mr. Sasha.
This morning we were cleaning before the cleaning lady comes, and I noticed that not only was Baby Jesus missing yet again, but also Mary and Joseph. Mr. Sasha found them in the play room when The Politician was playing with his fire truck before bed last night. Baby Jesus was up in the bucket, and Mary and Joseph were in the front seat, with Mary serving as driver. See, he's pretty smart- Baby Jesus saving the world and all and Mary and Joseph getting him there.
3. I finally decided that I think I will order my cards from Snapfish- my favorite online photo site. There are a few good codes right now- GOCARDCRAZY for 20% off, and AFFORDER30 for $30% off $30 or more. AND I will also go through ebates, because they offer 10% back!
Here's the sign up info if you haven't signed up for ebates yet! (If you do ANY online shopping, you totally need to sign up!)
Through December 31st, 2007, Ebates has new bonus: I tell my friends about Ebates and we each get a Holiday Bonus: $10! Just sign up through this link. They just sent me a check this week, and I've gotten back over $150 since I signed up!
I was just telling my mom last night that I have to find a new place for my nativity (mine is a nice set she bought me my first Christmas out of the house) before I find Abby walking around with Mary in her mouth and using Joseph and baby Jesus as crayons....the things you forget when your kids are old enough to NOT TOUCH!!!
Hee! I found the entire gang loaded up in the stockings earlier today. That poor camel was in a stocking all by himself. He just can't catch a break!
I hope you get the referral money. I just signed up for the Ebates thing. It asked for your email, but I don't know it.
Um, is it a bad thing that our Little People nativity never was put away from last year? The angel is currently in MY tub, 1/2 the animals are in Reese's tub and the rest of the people/animals are upstairs in the playroom. I think. Damn, we'll never be able to find everything and set it up. I love it when I'm a good example... ;) Another bead for me?
We just got the Little People Nativity this year. I'm kind of a freak about LP's around the house, because Princess Poopy Puppy finds them absolutely delish. Our LP Nativity sits on the mantle when it's not being played with. Horrible, I know, but I don't want a wingless angel, or worse, a headless baby Jesus!
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