Are you wondering about any new products you've seen? Makeup questions? We're talking food, cleaning products, candy, beauty products, clothes, anything.
Cause here's the deal: If it's new, on an endcap, or there's a coupon for it, I've probably bought it. And believe me, I've got opinions. Mr. Sasha is convinced there's a career out there for me in product review, but I'm not so sure. I'm a little like Rosie Perez's character on White Men Can't Jump, I know a little bit about a lot of stuff.
Anyway, leave me a comment with your question and I'll post some answers later today!
Also, can anyone think of a better name for the feature besides Ask the Product Junkie? Creativeness is my downfall.

ooh! I'd like a review on your favorite self tanner please!
I got my package today!!! YEAH!! I love it. If you only knew how much I love stationary and note pads! I can never have too many of those. The cd is such a creative idea too...see you are creative! Thank you again...I appreciate it and can't wait to do the same! I can't think of any beauty questions now. I am a part time Mary Kay lady and happen to keep up with the trends and love some non MK products as well. Although I am pretty loyal to MK! I happen to think they do have the best Oil Free Eye Makeup Remover..I have tried a lot and keep going back to is my biggest seller too. Just fyi! Thank you again!!
How about the self tanner dealies at BBW?
Please tell me about non-smudging eye makeup. I don't care what I buy, it smudges and I look like a racoon by the end of the day. Please help!
Oh, it would be so awesome if you could recommend a good tinted moisturizer. My skin tends to be sensitive, especially to new products on it, and I have no clue which ones are the best and which ones will make me break out or get shiny. (If it helps, I'm PDP, too. lol.) Thank you!
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