Well, damn. Of course Target was out of the Lemon Creme kisses yesterday. Mr. Target Stocker Guy scanned the bar code on the shelf and said somewhere in the back there were 51 bags, but he had no clue where. He very insincerely offered to go look, but I told him not to bother since his attitude was so sucky (I didn't say that last part out loud). So I guess I'll go back this week (surprise!) and try to find them again.
But.... I did spy the Orange Creme ones so you know I tossed those in my cart. They are really good! They remind me of an Orange Julius. Don't worry Tina, it's white chocolate with swirls of orange flavored white chocolate. Pretty damn good. Hope the lemon is good too.

The Tide Smart Dry hangers rock! Totally solved the problem of hanger pucker on the shoulders of Mr. Sasha's shirts that I hang to dry. My shirts are too little for those giant hangers, so I picked up a bottle of the Downy Wrinkle Release that was suggested in my comments. I have used it before and remember it smells great, so hopefully that will help my shirts.

I've got to get back to work, but later I'll update you on the Too Faced mini makeover I got on Sunday at Ulta and the 3 new Too Faced products I got and love!

Hmmmm...M could eat those. Hmmmmmm
You were probably so right not to wait for the slacker Target dude. :)
I will have to keep an eye out for those hangers, though.
I call Bullshit on the Target guy. The LRT gives them the shelf and location in the back stockroom. Fucker was just lazy.
Hmmm, guess who used to work HR for Target...
I don't know if you ever grabbed up those lemon kisses or not but they are good! My target had them 75% off with the Easter stuff so I snagged some up for that awesome price. I'm gonna eat a couple (more) then mail the rest to my hubby overseas - so I don't eat them ALL!
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