Saturday, March 29, 2008

You Take The Good, You Take The Bad

Well, my 5K went fab this AM. 29:40! I am excited! I've got another one coming up on May 3rd and I am excited to keep working on my time.

As for the bad, well, WC attempted to bite 4 times yesterday, and two of the attempts were completed....................

Also, they said she doesn't seem to "get" the concept of time-out, as she chose to laugh, dance, and sing a few songs while there. Now, I could have told them that.

So start crossing your fingers again that we don't get kicked out. For good measure, I am going garden shopping for the school garden on Sunday and will probably attend the Catholic pancake breakfast before church tomorrow. Cause it can't hurt.


Rachael said...

Way to go on the 5K! Makes me want to get out and do one. (almost - ha!).

Actually, I need to look for one to run, since you've re-motivated me with the running and all. (thanks for that!)

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I'm doing good to get a mile in under 20, so a 5K in less than an hour is a dream for me.

clemsongirlandthecoach said...

the fact of life, the facts of life...

congrats to you.

I'm Blair. Are you Tootie?

Carie said...

Your time is awesome! I am running my very first 5K on April 26. I am soooo nervous! I will make sure to let you know the time since I wouldn't be running at all if I had never found your blog!

Also, hang in there. I've heard the biting stage doesn't last long.

Kate said...

I've so had that stupid song stuck in my head all freaking weekend! I guess if CG is Blair, and she designated you as Tootie, that would make me Jo? Ok actually, I'm a better fit for Natalie but Jo is just so much cooler!

Sorry about the WC -she will get it eventually!!!

Anonymous said...

I was just posting to say the same thing as Kate. I actually SANG the song outloud today in the minivan just to rid myself of it. Thanks a LOT. And I can't remember the next line so I got all mangly and da dah dah dah....the facts of life...

Congrats on the running. I am going downstairs to eat icecream in your honor right now. Promise.

Sasha said...

There's a time you gotta go and show you're growing, now you know about, the facts of life, the facts of life, learning the facts of liffffffeeeeee.

Sasha said...

It take a lot to get it right, when you're learning the facts of liffffffffeeeeeeee