Monday, December 24, 2007

Birthdays and Cookies

This morning, Mr. Sasha went to get The Wild Child out of bed and he said "Good morning! It's Christmas Eve!"

The Wild Child said, "Cookies!"

I am so pumped because my aunt was just here and brought me her world-famous (well, famous to Sasha) decorated sugar cookies, which are 100 times yummier than those pictured above. These are so good, that Mr. Sasha didn't even know about them for the first few years of our marriage because I hid them from him and rationed them out, having one for breakfast with my Coke in the laundry room with the door shut for about 2 weeks. I'm really stingy with them and they are quite important to me. I share a few now, but still hide some (shh!).

If you are in my neighborhood, stop by because I have an large amount of ham, potato casserole and about 15 Santa Fe rolls left from Christmas Eve lunch. One of my aunts and her Mr. and her boys and their wives totally punked out on us and didn't show. Told you I have a nutty family. Just more cookies for me!

The real meaning of the season: My kiddos have been walking around singing "Happy Birthday Jesus!" which they totally learned at church and I am just so proud. I am trying to raise some thoughtful, kind, reverent children who understand what's it's all really about and I think I'm doing a damn good job.

Today, I'm feeling pretty good, almost like I've got it all together! I imagine this feeling won't last long, so I'll just enjoy while I can.
Merry Christmas to you all! Now quit reading my blog and go hang with your fam!