Sunday, September 21, 2008

I'm No Cook, But I Can Make Dessert!

Michelle writes: I'm a lurker and have been for a while...totally off the current subject, but I made your sopapilla cheesecake for bunco last night, and it was a total hit! Do you have any other yummies to share?

Oh, Michelle, a girl after my own heart- another sweet lover!

Another one of my faves (and my co-workers) is Neiman Marcus Bars. Who knows if that's what they are really supposed to be called, and they are nothing like that $250 cookie recipe in case you are wondering. But that's what we call them here in these parts. They are actually little pieces of heaven.

I am also obsessed with Cake Balls, although I have never made them myself since I have a fab coworker I can always talk into making them. However, I found a recipe I am trying soon- Red Velvet Cake Balls! Made with cream cheese frosting!!!!!! That was worth a lot of exclamation points.


preppy little dress AKA "PLD" said...

wow, you are making my hungry! you are a cook, you just don't know it yet!

Amanda said...

I'm a cake ball nut too. I've made the red velvet cake balls and they are divine! I made them for Fourth of July and coated them with white confectioners coating then decorated with red and blue. I also put them on lollipop sticks which was even better. I recently added Eyeball cake balls to too, though I asked a friend of mine to make those for me as she does the recipes for the site I manage ( They are very cool! Anyway, you'll love the red velvet, just make sure you freeze the cake balls before dipping them in the coating or you'll end up with little red crumbs running all through the white coating. :-P

Anonymous said...

I have made your Neiman Marcus bars now too many times to count. I'll have to try the sopapilla cheesecake this weekend.

Joy said...

YUMM those sound delish I have saved them and will be trying them at a later date.

Anonymous said...

for some reason I can't read "cake balls" without snickering. But reading that you are obsessed with them just makes me LOL! I'm twisted, I know.

Jen said...

mm I have made the cake balls before...only in the shape of little cupcakes and put them on sticks. They are delish!!

Mrs. Everything said...

Yes maam! We DO have a mutal friend named E!!!

Tickled Pink Momma

Chris said...

The Neiman Marcus bars are cooling on the oven now. I have been craving sweets super bad and it was just what I needed. I'll let you know how they turn out!

Matt & Carrie said...

Oh oh oh pleeeeeze make the red velvet cake balls for Fri night!!! Glad you are back safely! ~Carrie