Have you ever "met" someone online and knew that you were kindred spirits?
That's how I felt when I met Elaine on the birth club message board for our Jan 06 girls. There were more than a few crazy coincidences that brought us together- our girls had the same first name (even spelled the same way!), her daughter was born on my birthday, and Elaine was originally an Okie like me.
It didn't take long before we were emailing each other on a daily basis and even making plans to meet in Summer 07. Luckily we hit it off in person too! In February 08 Mr. Sasha and I were in TX for a weekend getaway and and while he golfed Elaine and I had a fabulous day of shopping and girl-talk.
So you really need to go meet Elaine right this very second. I swear you'll love her- she's a chic, super-cool working mom of two who somehow manages to (Barely) Keep It All Together much better than I do! She just started a beyond-fabulous blog that you'll love- Our Semi-Homemade Life. Show her some Sasha Says love!
I will have to go check her out. you can never have to many blogs to stalk I mean read:)
Hey my Abby is a Jan 06 baby also
I'll definitely go check her out.. I"m thinking my 30 daily reads just aren't keeping me busy enough. I've managed to catch up on my laundry & worked out for 3 weeks straight.
I'll have to go check her out. I just love meeting other Okies in bloggyland.
Miss B is a January girl too. (but she was born in 1999)
Awwww, Sasha! You're just the sweetest! I'm so lucky to have you as a friend. (And I'm thinking... we need to make that shopping trip an annual thing!)
And I don't barely keep it together any better than you, the Queen of Keeping it Together... I'm just perfecting the art of faking it. ;)
Elaine - Our Semi-Homemade Life
What a cool story! I'm off to check out her blog!
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