Monday, June 3, 2013

LOTD #48 and Sandlot


$14 at Sephora
This lightweight, soothing lip butter imparts vibrant and shiny color, smells utterly delicious, and comes packaged in an easy-application tube.
While I will agree that this is moisturizing, the color lasts for about 5 seconds. I took the pic after I had just applied it, and now that I have had it on for about 2 hours, although the moisture is still there and feels great, there is almost no color left. I think I'll save this for times when I need a rescue moisture product.
On Saturday Mr. Sasha was reading the sports section of the paper and noticed that The Sandlot was going to be shown at the Red Hawks stadium that evening. David Mickey Evans, the writer and director of The Sandlot, is touring around the country the celebrate its 20th anniversary by doing showings at Triple A ballparks. Of course we hurried to get tickets! 

They showed the movie on the scoreboard- it was awesome!

It was so cool to get to spread out a blanket on the outfield and watch the movie as a family. After all the terrible, scary weather we've been having, the weather was perfect Saturday night and we had a fabulous time.

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