Tuesday, January 11, 2011

11 in '11: Goal Eight

Goal Eight:

Join in the "Wear a Dress Tuesday" Movement

Wear a Dress Tuesday
If you know me in real life, you know I'm not much of a dresser-upper. I am all about the comfy, and am lucky enough that my job allows jeans as long as we wear company-logoed shirts.
However, I stumbled upon the Wear a Dress Tuesday movement today at A Blonde Ambition and was moved by the idea! Sarah from The Strength of Faith came up with the concept and it's taking off.
Here's what Sarah says:

Here's the thing: Dresses make a girl feel special. They have the ability to take an ordinary day and make it extraordinary. Life can get to be pretty mundane and it's nice to have a reason to get dressed up. Life can get pretty stressful and it's nice to have a reason to pamper yourself. You take more time to think about what you are wearing and are able to have some fun accessorizing. You can take one dress and change the way it looks by adding scarves, earrings and a pair of killer heels. People notice and tell you that you look nice! Who doesn't like to be told that they look nice?
Starting next week (*whispers* I have jeans on today....) I'm joining in! What a neat idea and a way to have a little pick-me-up.
Missed goals my other goals? Catch up here.
Also, feel free to snag my 11 in '11 button above and join in.


Buford Betty said...

I love that! A good dress does give you such a sense of power.

Cornelia said...

I like this one. In fact, I'm wearing a dress today!

C. Beth said...

What a fun idea! I love dresses. I need some WINTER dresses though.