Ok- let's talk bras. Once I discovered Maidenform's Smooth Bra T-Back, this is absolutely all I wear. Since there are no seams across the back, it's downright completely smooth and totally takes care of the problematic skin-roll we always seem to have.
These bras are $15 right now (regular $32), and Maidenform is offering free shipping on $25.
I really can't tell you enough how much I love this bra, and no, I'm not getting compensated for this. I just really love it that much. In fact, I think I will be ordering more myself.
And don't forget to go through ebates- link on the left!
Man, I just got so excited. I am in desperate need for some bigger bras right now and thought it would be great for nursing too. They don't have them big enough!! Crud.
Ugh, I hate bra shopping. You have just reminded me how much I need to go soon! I have really big boobs, sorry, had to say it. I have the hardest time finding bras that are comfy! It stresses me out just thinking about it.
AWesome! Thanks for the info! IT's so hard to find a good bra!
I have big boobs. Do you think it would work for me. I'm sporting a $50+ VS bra & when I bend over my boobs try to pop out!
Hmmmm, might need to try this.
Semi-Slacker Mom, not sure... I wear a B and they work well for me. Other than that I don't have a clue! Sorry.
Well, boo. They only have black left in my big mama size. :( Thanks for pointing me that way, though - I'll keep my eye out for them. Do you always order online or have you seen them in store?
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Thanks Sasha! I just ordered 2, you should get a kickback from this! ;-)
So glad I came to your blog today!! I was just complaining about how I hate all my bras! I will be checking this one out. Thanks for sharing!
I will have to check this bra out! Thanks for sharing.
Sasha, oh my goodness! I am SO glad you posted this! I have a bra that I LOVE LOVE LOVE by Spanx...called the Brallelujah. :) It is GREAT for back fat. I am so happy to know there's another bra out there, though, that does the same thing AND it has skinny straps...the Brallelujah doesn't. I can't wait to try this. Thank you so much for sharing the love! :)
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