This stuff is fabulous and makes you feel like you are having an alcoholic beverage, and right now, this is about as close as I can get until I get some good lab work and my poor body is back to normal, and who knows when that will be.... so this is totally hitting the spot!
Note: There's been a packing change, but the 12 pack I picked up looked like the design above and was called Sierra Mist Free. However, inside the package, the cans had the design below on them and the name has been changed a bit to Diet Sierra Mist. They must have had some boxes left over from last year! Funny.....

Sierra Mist Free Cranberry Splash is my favorite! I found two bottles at a gas station over summer, and have been on the hunt since then. Looks like I'll be heading to target soon!
I will have to try this!
on my way!!!
I picked up a 2-liter at wal-marts saturday! You know Thanksgiving is around the corner when you see this on the shelves!
I found out about those this past Christmas while I was prego. I loved them. I am so glad they are out and not just seasonal!! Thanks for the post.
wright's on the west side has 2-liters...i'm in love!!
I LOVE Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash. I lived on this stuff at the holidays when I was pregnant with my daughter a few years ago- that was the first time I found it in stores. I grabbed a few cases at my grocery store last week. I was surprised it was out already- usually it is closer to Thanksgiving.
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