I am so excited! I just download several songs from Glee and I can't wait to get them on my ipod and get out and run run run! I am feeling so much better this week and have actually gotten on the treadmill twice. It's been over two months since I've exercised and I packed on about 10 pounds and I can't wait to get back in the swing of things. These songs ought to do it!
- Don't Stop Believin'
- Gold Digger
- Mercy
- Rehab
What other ones should I get? These songs make so me happy! I pink puffy heart Glee and you cannot be my friend unless you are watching......
Just watched for the first time last night. I really liked it, but now I need to go back and watch some episodes to figure out what is going on. Glad you are feeling a little better!
Oh, you have to get "Bust Your Windows" IMMEDIATELY. So amazing! :D I love this show so much!
I love Glee too. I haven't ran at all lately either. I can feel my weight shifting around. It sucked this week, cause it was the first time I wore jeans.
You MUST get the mash-ups from this past week- SO amazing!
And- my all time favorite is "On My Own"
Ahhh I love this show. I'm really hoping that at the end of the season they will come out with a soundtrack of all of the songs from the season. Its just so good!
OH, this is my guilty pleasure. I really have no idea why I love it!!!! But I do! Also, Don't Stop Believin' is my "life song" It is always oddly playing at significant times in my life. All time fave song ever. And they do it great on Glee!
OMG.....I L.O.V.E. Glee!!! It is my new fav....next to Cougartown!!! miss you!!
I love, love, LOVE glee. I cannot get enough of it!
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