It's delightful! You know I have The Spring Fever, and this fits right in!
But I did not want to brave the mall again, so I just did my purchase online and got quite a great deal, so I thought I'd share it with you- I got 5 full-sized products for $33, shipped. And don't forget about ebates.....
1. I went through ebates and will be getting 3% back.
2. Right now BBW is running a special- Buy 3, Get 2 Free.
3. I used code S114069 to get $10 off.
4. Even after tax and shipping, I figure I saved a few bucks compared to going back to the mall.
What scents are you loving for Spring?
I LOVE BBW!!!!!!
Are you in their monthly club thingie? It only lasts until the end of May. You go in once a month on a Thursday and they give you free products. I'm hoping they'll extend it out and do it for the rest of the year.
I got some of that Country Chic lotion a couple of weeks ago - I had a coupon for a free sample size of it.
I still love wearing Philosophy fragrances. Once I find one I like, I tend to stay with it.
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