One of my goals for Christmas 2008 was to get a nice family shot- all four of us together, relatively clean and happy. How hard can that be?

We tried on Christmas Eve and couldn't coax The Wild Child into the shot.

But she was happy to "cheese" for me while she ate lunch.

Tried again on Christmas Day but I couldn't even talk Mr. Sasha into posing again at first.

And here, my dear readers, is as good as it gets. The Wild Child was squirming away, but by damn, it's a pic of all four of us. And no one is crying. Score one for mom.
aw...i think they're all good!! your kids are soooo cute!
i know what you mean though! it always takes like 10 pics for us to get a good one!
I think that all the pics are presh but the last one dod turn out really good. Job well done :)
You guys are such a beautiful family! I love all the pics!
I call it a success when everyone's eyes are in the general direction of the camera.
You did great!!
You have a beautiful family.
Happy Birthday!
LOL! There seems to be quite a bit of pressure being applied the the kiddies in the final "Success" shot. Love it. Just like my own totally uncooperative family. You all look very happy anyway. Are you ready for the '09?
I think they are all great pics! :)
I hear that you can create a great family picture with photoshop - by cutting and pasting multiple pictures together! Don't ask me how though - I have elements and I still can't figure it all out! Ha!
Sasha you are all so beautiful! Great pics!
How adorable!!
I have the same issues trying to get FGG and the Pug Princess to do pics. I'm still trying to get them to sit still for Christmas pics, LOL!
Awe! Great pictures! Y'all are all so gorgeous!
Cute pictures! Throw one more kid in the mix & see how hard it is. I need to get a good picture of me & the hubby.
Great pics of the fam even tho I don't know you at all....not a stalker at all I promise. Happy New Year!
Such a beautiful fambly!
Happy Birfday!!!!!!!
Happy New Year Sasha!! All of you look beautiful.
I think it is a great pic--you have a beautiful fam!
ah, what great photos!!! You have an award waiting for you on my blog! :))
Precious photos! I am embarassed to say the photos I took of nearly everything "Christmas" at our house are pitiful. Oh well...there's always next year. Happy New Year to you.
Yea!!! All of you together, love it when that happens.
Such cute pics! The title of your blog caught my eye! I feel the same way with my upcoming wedding and move to Europe 10 days later!!
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