Today we are sharing the release for The Brightest Sunset by Aly Martinez. This is the conclusion of a must-read contemporary romance duet, and is it available to read for FREE on KindleUnlimited!
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The Brightest Sunset (The Darkest Sunrise Duet, #2)
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Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.
Words destroyed me.
“I’m sorry. She didn’t make it.”
“Daddy, he can’t breathe!”
“There’s nothing more we can do for your son.”
Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.
Those syllables and letters became my executioner. I told myself that, if I didn’t acknowledge the pain and the fear, they would have no power over me. But, as the years passed, the hate and the anger left behind began to control me.
Two words—that was all it took to plunge my life into darkness.
“He’s gone.”
In the end, it was four soft, silky words that gave me hope of another sunrise.
“Hi. I’m Charlotte Mills.”
My review: 5 Stars!
Gah! This duet! It's everything! I went through all the emotions- every last one- while reading this. The first book ended in such a cliffhanger, I waited on pins and needles and was so anxious to read the second book. Martinez was so masterful in telling this story- you feel every hope, every despair, every heartache that Porter and Charlotte feel. Several times I gasped out loud- the story is that epic. It's absolutely a must-read and already holds a spot on my Best of 2017 list.


The Darkest Sunrise (The Darkest Sunrise Duet, #1)
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You won't want to miss this amazing series!

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