Monday, August 26, 2013

LOTD #70 and Magic Jinn

Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment in Cherry ($22.50 at Sephora

Every time Fresh comes out with a new shade, I'm sure to buy it. They must know this! I have all of them except the Honey and love them all. The most pigmented are Berry and this newest shade, Cherry. Although they aren't long-wearing, the way they feel on the lips is just divine.

When we took our vacay to CO a few weeks ago, all of our lips got terribly chapped while hiking and I was so glad to have the original formula in my purse- the citrus scent is so nice and the whole family used it to give some relief to our lips.

Magic Jinn!

BzzAgent sent us a Magic Jinn to try and we opened it this weekend and it is so cute!

Whether your child’s favorite animal is the family puppy or they’re fascinated by exotic cheetahs, it won’t be long until they’re amazed to realize Magic Jinn can figure out what animal is on their mind. All your little one has to do is pick an animal, any animal, and answer a series of questions with either YES, NO, I DON’T KNOW or IT DEPENDS, and before they know it Magic Jinn will guess what they’re thinking of!

The funniest part is Jinn has a British accent and a pretty good sense of humor. One of my favorite phrases he says when you answer yes to his question is "That's what *I* thought!". WC has been playing him non-stop, but I think he's on to her because she keeps picking a giraffe for her animal of choice. I'm pretty sure he's going to tell her to pick a new animal soon! Ha!

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