
Thursday, December 5, 2019

New Release Review: The Lineup by Meghan Quinn



THE LINEUP by Meghan Quinn

Release Date: December 5th
Genre: Contemporary Romance
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Want to know a secret?

It's about that girl over there.
Don’t look, but she’s the one in the power suit—with the long, black hair and the serious expression, the one I’m about to go on a date with . . .

Yeah, according to her, she “accidentally” donated an obscene amount of money to my charity — The Lineup — to win said date but I found out the truth. Miss. Button Up Blouse has a secret, passionate crush on me.

I didn’t know her name until two days ago, despite the friends we have in common.
Was I oblivious? Probably.
Was I blind to it? Definitely.

But I’m no fool, I see it now. The High Heel Harlot wants more than just a date with Jason Orson, she wants to be able to claim the best butt in baseball as hers.

Here's another secret . . . she has no idea I know.


My review: 5 stars!
The Lineup was a Grand Slam for me! Our hero Jason is a gorgeous professional baseball player with a heart of gold. He's such a hoot too- loves to cook and has quite the sensitive side (and he doesn't mind that a bit), and although you never know what is going to come out of his mouth, you'll definitely be laughing. He and Dottie were such a great match, and their banter is perfection. I enjoyed every word of this book and felt it was an authentic and real story with flawless pacing. A must-read that will be on my Best of 2019 list. 


About the Author:
USA Today Bestselling Author, wife, adoptive mother, and peanut butter lover. Author of romantic comedies and contemporary romance, Meghan Quinn brings readers the perfect combination of heart, humor, and heat in every book.

Connect with Meghan:

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