
Monday, November 6, 2017

Cover Reveal: Man Hands by Sarina Bowen and Tonya Eby

Man Hands
by Sarina Bowen and Tanya Eby
Genre: Rom/Com
Release Day: December 11, 2017


At thirty-four, I’m reeling from a divorce. I don’t want to party or try to move on. I just want to stay home, post a new recipe on my blog: Brynn’s Dips and Balls. 
But my friends aren’t having it. Get out there again, they say. It will be fun, they say. I’m still taking a hard pass. 
Free designer cocktails, they say. And that’s a game-changer. 
Too bad my ex shows up with his new arm candy. That’s when I lose my mind. But when my besties dare me to leap on the first single man I see, they don't expect me to actually go through with it. Literally.

All I need right now is some peace and quiet while my home renovation TV show is on hiatus. But when a curvy woman in a red wrap dress charges me like she’s a gymnast about to mount my high bar, all I can do is brace myself and catch her. What follows is the hottest experience of my adult life. 
I want a repeat, but my flying Cinderella disappears immediately afterward. She doesn’t leave a glass slipper, either—just a pair of panties with chocolate bunnies printed on them. 
But I will find her.


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