
Friday, May 5, 2017

Audibook Review: Man Candy by Melanie Harlow

By Melanie Harlow

He’s back.

Not just back in town, but living in the flat right beneath mine. And he looks good enough to eat, which is just one more reason to stay away from him. 

But I can’t resist.

The sex is incredible (pretty sure we’ve shaken the house right off its foundation), but he can’t fool me—not this time. A degree in marketing and five years in advertising have taught me that “true love” is a fairy tale used to sell lipstick, diamonds, and perfume. It doesn’t exist.

He thinks I’m wrong, and he wants to prove it.

I think he’s crazy, so I dare him to try.

It might be the biggest mistake of my life.

My review: 5 Stars!
Super sweet with lots and lots of heat! Quinn is perfection- Melanie Harlow know just how to write the perfect man (and pick a cover model too!). I listened to the audiobook and thought both Lee Samuels and Brooke Bloomingdale were excellent. When I listen to audiobooks, I often speed up the narration to 1.25X when I'm in a hurry to find out what happens, and with Mandy Candy both 1X and 1.25X sound great.

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