
Monday, February 28, 2011

Running Update

In just about a month, I'll be running my second half, the Dallas Rock 'n' Roll Half. I better get my ass in gear, huh? Actually, I think I'll be ready. I ran 8 miles this Saturday, and plan to run 9, 10, and 11 over the next three Saturdays, with at least three 4-6 mile runs during each week on the weekdays. I think I've got a random case of tennis elbow but it doesn't seem to be affecting my running so I'm not worrying too much about that. It's also not affecting my beer drinking, so that's good too.

In other running news, since I typically run by myself, I took Skinny Runner's advice and ordered myself a Road ID Wrist ID Elite ($29.99). Of course, I got pink. Road ID sent me a coupon code to share that's good for $1 off- ThanksSasha4202709. I've never had my own coupon code before and feel like I've "arrived".

My allergies (penicillin, tetanus shots and sulfa drugs) took up two lines so there was no room for a motto, and I'm not sure that "I love Jesus, but I drink a little" would have fit anyway.

I recently discovered that my beloved Luna Sport Moons are discontinued, so I asked the fabulous Chic Runner what she would suggest as a replacement. She suggested Sharkies so I ordered some a few weeks ago from Amazon because they had the best price I could find.

I tried them on Saturday and I loved them! Very similar to the Luna Moons.

Due to my boiling blood and my ability to overheat in 10 seconds, I run in a sleeveless C9 shell no matter what the weather. The underside of my upper arms often gets chafed from rubbing against my shirt.

I've been using a product I was sent to review, EverStride's Anti Chafing Sport Stick (SRP: $15), and it's been a lifesaver. It looks like deodorant, but it's a moisturizing stick that totally takes care of the friction problem for me if I apply it before a run.

I'd love to know if there's a fitness product you use that you'd recommend. Jump in on the comments if you have something to share.

Disclosure: The Everstride product was sent to me for review purposes.


  1. Good luck on the run! My sister did that one last year and had a blast. Oh, and the Jesus and drinking quote is one of my all-time favorites!

  2. Ok, I just had to order the Sharkies. I was just thinking today after my run I could have used a little help. Thanks for the tip.

  3. Woo hoo, excited for your 2nd half mary!

    I love Zipfizz as my electrolyte drink of choice. It has some caffeine plus a heck of a lot of B12--seems to give me an energy boost but usually doesn't make me jittery (like most caffeinated drinks do.)

  4. Woo-hoo for your upcoming half!!

    Another chew I recommend is the Honey Stingers chew. They are all natural so they don't mess up your stomach and they actually taste fantastic! I find they are less chewy than Sharkies too.

    I still need to order a Road ID, maybe I'll use your coupon!

  5. Good luck! I am so proud of you!! As for me, I am skipping the half marathon this year. I found a new love in the form of Adventure Racing - I think I actually like to get muddy.


What say you?