
Thursday, September 16, 2010

What's Your Super Power?

I read the other day that everyone has a superpower. We're all superheros!

I am Spreadsheet Woman. I lurve spreadsheets and create them for anything and everything. I learned on Lotus oh-so-many years ago, and still write all my formulas in the Lotus @ form. I get super-excited when there's an opportunity to create nested @if functions. It's a big high for me.

So that's my super power- I am able to create spreadsheets for anything you need in a single bound, faster than a speeding bullet.

What about you?


  1. Hmm...

    I am a super say-the-alphabet-backwards-er.

    Seriously, you'll have to ask me in December to demonstrate. :-D

  2. I'm great at identifying thumbsuckers! Silly, I know, but I am able to see it in their teeth. I need a cooler super-power...

  3. I don't have any but I might call upon your super power in the future now that I know what it is! :)

  4. I'm what you'd call a Power-Nester...I'm so darn good at nesting. I can get so much done when in nesting mode, but unfortunately I usually wear the he** out of myself.

  5. I can make silk out of a sow's ear when it comes to getting dressed. Give me a too-big dress with a hole in it, a shirt with a stain, a belt with a broken buckle, I can make it look cool on you (on me, I am not as powerful, but I can see it on others).

    My sister may be your kindred spirit, she too is has spreadsheet super powers. Every time we go on vacation, dole out Secret Santas, plan a friend's baby shower we know we will get an Excel spreadsheet full of formulas to keep us on budget and on track! It's great to have people like you as friends - I find it quite an awesome super power!


What say you?