
Monday, August 31, 2009

Would You Tell Me About

your experience with what I call "Neiman Marcus Bars"?

Last week I squeed in delight when one of my favorite blogs, CakeSpy, had a feature on a dessert that seemed identical to my all-time favorite (and prize-winning) dessert, Neiman Marcus Bars. Only Head Spy Jessie called it "Gooey Butter Cake."

I left Jessie a comment and said: Here in OK, we call them Neiman Marcus bars and store them in the refrigerator... delish!

To my delight, I found an email from Jessie in my in box the next morning: Sasha,
So I am SO curious--how did you come across that Neiman Marcus bar recipe? It seems that they have a few recipes attached to their name (and in some cases, it's urban legend rather than them having actually invented it!). I'm curious about pinpointing the connection between Neiman and sweets! thanks again for reading the site. Yours is wonderful!! jessie

My first experience with theses little pieces of heaven dates back to high school- sometime in the late 80s I recall eating these at a drill team function. Someone's mom was famous for these and made them for us quite a few times. I just can't remember exactly who!

Of course, since I was concentrating on beer in college, I didn't think too much about these again until after I graduated and moved out into my own home, complete with a kitchen and oven just waiting to bake some goodies. Only I couldn't find the recipe! And remember, the internet back then wasn't what it is today. No myspace or facebook to reconnect with all my high school friends and Nancy Drew the recipe.

In 2002 or 2003 I spied them again on a plate at a Junior League function and hunted down the baker. She shared her recipe for "Butter Puffs" with me and it was just as I remembered! I've been baking them frequently ever since, and sharing the recipe with anyone who wants it, but I've been calling it the name I remember from high school, Neiman Marcus Bars.

I posted a plea on facebook last night asking high school friends if they remember the dessert, and I did have one friend who shared the identical recipe with me and also titled hers "Neiman Marcus Bars", so that's one vote that I'm not crazy!

So tell me, are you familiar with these? What do you call them? Where did you get your recipe?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

GDA: Free $10 GGP Mall Gift Cerfiticate

Local gals, our mall is a GGP mall!

Shop Smart Look Fab, presented by Bank Of America & Express stores, offer a Free $10 Gift Card to your local GGP Shopping Mall. Follow the instructions below.

Click Here
Enter Zip code and click "enter information"
If the name of a Mall is displayed at the bottom, click on it
Click "get a free gift now, limited time offer" (2nd tab at bottom of the box)
Enter email in the box and click "sign up fast"
An email will be sent to you with a confirmation code to print out
Present the print-out at your Mall between Sept 17-19 to get your GC

Thursday, August 27, 2009

GDA: Crocs BOGO Free Sale

That's a little hard to see, I know, but I just scored 2 pair of Crocs for WC for $14.99 with free shipping! They are having a BOGO free sale on some of their shoes. After the fact, I read you can use code slx8797 for an additional 25% off. I may try to do another order!

Happy Shopping!

GDA: Winter Coats for the Kiddos

They are marked down from $69 to $29.99.

Remember to go through ebates for 2% back and use promotional code 3011901 for free shipping.

I got the Bright Navy for P in little kids large 6X-7 and the Pink Lilac for WC in little kids medium 5-6.

Happy shopping!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

And I Am More Alive

but still not back at it.

No parasite, so that means the super-duper antibiotic they gave me Saturday wasn't needed and most likely made my stomach sicker. Nice.

So I'm on nothing (yay!), munching on some mashed potatoes and G2 waiting for the magic moment where I say "I'm Back!!!".

Stay tuned.....

Monday, August 24, 2009

I Am Alive

but barely.

Either in Mexico, CO, or who knows where, I've picked up some illness that has wrecked my stomach and it's been going on for two weeks. I haven't mentioned it because, well, that's not why you come here!

At the urging (insistence actually) of the hubs and a good friend, I finally went to the dr Saturday for various testing and got started on antibiotics, which I am afraid may be making it worse. Hopefully today the tests will come back and we shall know what's going on. TG for my work's generous sick leave!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

O M G Worst Mom Evah

Yeah, we'll have to recreate the First Day of School tomorrow because this is the only shot I got.

I would have said "You'll never believe this..." but that would be pointless since you all know me and probably think this is very believable, and most likely, predictable.

We were running late this morning and had to drive WC clear across town to her preschool and then by the time we made it back by our house to P's school, it was right at 7:52, which is 3 minutes before the bell rings and school starts. So I spent about 45 seconds in the classroom before I realized it was time for the parents to leave.

So this is the one shot we got. And he looks a little goofy in it.

I am most upset that I didn't get the planned "P and his backpack shot" showing his full body.

So we shall set the alarm for 10 minutes earlier tomorrow and try again.

And I suppose we'll laugh about it later, one day when he's an adult and we are looking through his School Days album and I tell him the picture on the K page of his first day of school is actually his second day of school.

But I'm sure by then, he'll be used to stuff like that.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Buzz Light-ner

WC wants to be Buzz Light-ner (Note: not Lightyear) for Halloween. She's been asking me if I've gotten her costume for about 5 months, and slacker mom that I am, I haven't.
And no, she's never seen the movie. I'm sure she has no idea he's a character in the movie.
She just loves the costume. There's one in the Busy 3s class and she's wearing it about 3 times a week when we pick her up from school. Outside sometimes. Please note that it's August in the (south)west and 100 degrees.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Better Late Than Never: The 10 Years Post

I was married before digital cameras were mainstream.

And my photographer has disappeared, I think, so all I have is this somewhat mangled picture. It used to be in a pretty silver frame on the mantle, but our cat Phil (God rest his feline soul) knocked it off the mantle and onto a set of weights and the glass shattered and dented the picture in several places on my dress, as you can see above.

So this is a picture of a crappy picture. I do have some other pictures, but the ceremony pictures are dark and the pictures he took of me before the ceremony were ruined before being developed, so we recreated the scene a month later and it just wasn't the same.

Our 10th anniversary was August 14th and I'm in disbelief that it's been 10 years! Oh, I loved my dress! It was ivory (ivory went better with my overly-tanned complexion) and after they cut about 5 feet off the bottom hem and nipped the sides in a bit, it fit perfectly. I swear they probably made a whole new dress of out those scraps. I'm saving that dress in case WC is 5'2" and thinks a retro late-90s dress is cool.

Hopefully I'll get my act together soon and post about our trip to CO and my new Coach purse, but I've had a stomach virus and haven't been up to being creative or funny in about a week. We even had to cancel our dinner/movie plans on Friday and that sucked.

So as Scarlet would say, "Tomorrow's another day" and maybe, just maybe, I'll get around to it!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I'm Crazy for "Gown Crazy"

Last night I tivo'd Gown Crazy on TLC and just started watching it. I literally had to stop it and come and post how much I love Kayne and how much I've missed seeing him since Project Runway Season 3!

He's over the top and rhinestone-crazy, but that's what makes him fun! I really want to track him down and take him out for a drink- what a hoot that would be! I actually may do that. Would that be too stalker-ish?

But you totally need to watch! It looks like there is one more airing of it today......

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy 6th Birthday P!

2 days old - August 15, 2003

a week or so later

6 years old!

Amazing! Where did 6 years go? I can't believe how much and how fast you've grown.

We certainly weren't ready for you when you decided to make your appearance a month early. No bag was packed, the car seat was still sealed in the box in the garage, and I had so many things left to do in those last few weeks I thought I had. And somehow I don't feel like I've been caught up or ready since... but it's not a bad or scary feeling. It just the feeling that we'll figure it all out together as a family.

I'm continually amazed by you. You are so eager to explore the world and learn new things. I'm excited for all the adventures ahead of us. I am so proud of you and so glad that I'm blessed to be your mom.

I love you P!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Son, The Tradesman

Last week The Politician came home from school and showed me a pressed penny.
I asked where he got it, and he replied, "I traded D for it."
"What did you trade for it?" I asked.
"A cell phone."

Monday, August 10, 2009

Shred It Or Dread It Update

My eating has been out of control! PTO last night was at BJ's and I had 3 beers (light, but still!) and shared a Sweet Pig pizza and Pizookie with a dear friend and it was divine. But none of my pants fit today!

So I suppose I have no more excuses- today's the day! (Yes, I know you've heard it before, but I pinky swear I'm back on board with SIODI.)

I am loving my Hungry Girl emails and plan on looking for these today. How yummy do the Yoplait Delights look? Can't wait to try them all! (follow the link and print a $1 coupon!)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Mascara Review 1: Benefit Bad Gal

Boo. I didn't like this at all. It didn't do much in the way of lengthening or thickening. And, at the end of the day I'd have little smudgies under my lower lash line.
So that's a no-go.
But do you love it? Because I have a brand-new, unopened mini size of this, which retails for $9 on Sephora. I'll be glad to send it to someone who already uses this and knows they like it. That way it won't be wasted!
Email me at barelytogether at yahoo dot com if that's you!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dear Food Network,

I am SO excited that Melissa won The Next Food Network Star!

And you guys work fast! I see her new show, $10 Dinners, premiers this Sunday at 11:30 am CST.

She's got a great personality, and is a busy mom just like me that I can totally relate to. I can't wait to watch and get some tips!

In Your Prayers Tonight

will you include the family in this blog post please? They just lost their little boy to leukemia and my heart aches for them.


Post a comment if you can see my blog today- for some reason, I can't! Google tells me it can't go there because it looks suspicous or something nutty.... can you see me?

Edit: I think it's fixed now... carry on!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Notes From School: 8-4-09

The Wild Child got in trouble today for emptying all her classmates water cups outside, with the company of three other friends. Please talk to her about her choices.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sasha is Super-Fancy Now

How much do we LOVE my new design? I look so pro-fessional now! (And please say it that way- say PRO Fessional like it's two words, and then you'll be an honorary Okie!)

Many many thanks to Karen at Simply Amusing Designs- she is fabulous to work with and "got" me so quickly! Be sure and visit her if you are in need of a redesign- I know you'll be another one of her satisfied customers.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Notes from School: Friday July 31

I am so sorry to tell you this- during art time, WC and her friend took a pair of scissors from the art table and went back by the cubbies. Before we could stop them, the friend cut a piece of hair on the back of WC's head. It is very hard to see the piece that was cut, but we are still so sorry it happened. We put away the scissors for the day and explained that we only cut our art projects.
Looks like WC is headed for a Dorothy Hamil cut. Twice in one week!