
Just When I Think Things Are Going Well

Last night the Wild Child smashed Slim's little girl's birthday cake.... before the birthday girl had even seen the cake! I was devastated. I was trying to watch her, but I was busy closing all the pizza boxes so she wouldn't mess with the pizza and didn't see her as she pushed down on the top of the box and smashed it into the cake and it picked up all the icing.

I snatched her up and apologized to Slim, and said I had to take her home as punishment. The hubs stayed at the party with The Politician. Getting home was hard- she went into a giant fit complete with hyperventilate-type breathing and I of course was crying myself.

I am just so sad..... why is this so hard?????? Why can't we go to a birthday party and have fun and not have to spend every second watching her so she doesn't do something destructive???????????????

Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I Had An Anxiety Attack at Sam's

and it wasn't pretty.

WC and I were going to Sam's to pick up snacks for P's t-ball game Thursday: small bottles of G2 and peanut butter crackers (not poisonous!).

I put it in park and no one was parked next to me, so I opened my door and before I knew what was happening a guy in a big truck came out of nowhere and hit my door as he was pulling in.

I won't bore you with all the details, but after he insinuated that it was my fault and starting whipping out his camera phone to take pictures of the damage to his front bumper and acting like I was going to have to pay to fix his truck, I pretty much burst into tears. Of course WC saying "Why'd you hit our car?" alternated with asking the guy "Want a pretzel?" wasn't helping.

Since my anxiety manifests itself with tears and a giant lump in my throat that won't let me speak, I mumbled that I would just have my husband come and handle this. I absolutely suck at confrontation. And the craziest part is I used to be on the debate team- and I was damn good at Lincoln-Douglas!

Of course the fabulous negotiator hubs swooped in and solved the world's problems for me.

I still cried my way through Sam's and the hubs is trying to convince me to have a Mike's Hard Pomegranate Lemonade (thanks Missouri!) to relax, although I am desperately trying to lose 14.6 pounds by my Mexico trip in July, and I just started my dietary restrictions at 1 pm today after Girl's Lunch and I hate to spoil that with alcohol.

Should I have one anyway???????

How cute is my family?

How cute are they? Smores night on our vacay.....

GDA: 100 prints from Snapfish for $12.99- shipped!

What a great deal from Snapfish - 100 prints for $12.99, shipping included!
Don't forget to go through ebates for 10% back too!
If you aren't a Snapfish member, leave me your email address for an invite.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

We won't need to ride the water rides at SDC because my undies are already wet from the monsoon that is happening right now. Rain rain go away......

Friday, May 22, 2009

In the Great State of Missouri

They have Dana's BBQ (BBQ nachos that are to die for! Hi Holly- you'd love them!), Silver Dollar City, and Mike Light Hard Lemonade!!!!!

We don't have that in our state. States with a 3.2 law don't get much cool stuff. We do have the Light Cranberry Lemonade, but I'd love the plain light also. Tonight I have polished off a few along with some smores that we made outside our condo rental. Yum-O.

Seeing as how the Summer of Beer is upon us, I guess I'll just have to stock up on the Mike's Light before we head home Monday.......

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My House Smells Fabulous!

The rain has stopped, the sun is out to stay for a bit, and I have Spring Fever. Time to put up the Christmas candles and make the Sasha house smell like spring!

I recently picked up two different candles at Target to see which one I liked best.

First up is Glade Suddenly Spring, purchased for $3.14, which I believe was 50 cents off the regular price at Target.

This candle is such a pretty shade of pale green and looks great in the frosted glass. It smells light and fresh. Cons: the label is permanently attached to the glass, and the scent is very light- you almost have to "try" to smell it burning.

Next I purchased Febreze Winds & Springtime for $6.54, also at Target. I used a $1 coupon from the P&G insert to bring the price down to $5.54. (Note: I just found the same candle for $5 at Walmart, so that's $4 with a coupon.)

The glass is nice and thick and feels expensive and there is no label attached to the glass- it looks pricy! The color is the same pretty shade of pale green, but the scent is FANTASTIC and I feel bad each time I have to blow it out. This scent is stronger than the Glade, but still not overpowering. This candle wins hands down, and I'll be purchasing more since this is a limited edition.

Let me know if you have found other spring-y candles I need to try!

What I Am NOT Listening To Right Now

Last Saturday I attended my cousin's high school graduation, and one of her classmates sang a song I really liked that I had never heard before.

The next day, I heard it on the radio and I thought the original artist did an ever better job! I knew that was a sign- I needed to put it on my ipod.

So I searched the Internet to find out who sang it.

And I was flabbergasted. I sat there in disbelief. I'm a Zeppelin girl, a Doors girl, a classic rock girl! There was no way I liked a song by.....

Miley Cyrus

The Climb

I just lost some 'cred, huh?

But don't worry, I not purchasing the song just for the principle of it. I'm 35 and there is no way I am allowing myself to have a song by Hannah Montana, in any form, on my ipod.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hair Update

Last week I posted on my Facebook "Contemplating cutting my hair...." and boy did I get a lot of comments! Most said "Don't cut it!" while some urged me to rock a short cut.

I've been growing it out for quite a while (for me!) and it's actually pretty long- well, it's past my shoulders. Because it's really fine, it typically gets stringy when it gets long. So it was at that point- looking tired and yucky at the end of the day and I was really thinking about going back to the short layered bob I have had for most of my life.

But then BzzAgent came to my rescue! They invited me to join in the John Frieda Root Awakening campaign. They sent me the Nourishing Moisture shampoo and conditioner to try.

Typically, I don't buy moisturizing hair products because I'm afraid they will weight my hair down. But these products are amazing! Seriously, my hair has never looked better. Shiny, smooth, soft.... healthy!

And at my hair appointment next week, I'll just be getting a highlight (yes I know it's more than a highlight....) and just a trim. Now that I have found these fabulous hair products, I know I can keep the length and it will look fabulous!
Have you guys tried these? If not, what are you favorite hair products right now?

Oh Noes

Although I do realize 100 calorie snack packs weren't meant to be eaten in pairs, I couldn't talk my stomach out of it.

Monday, May 18, 2009

She Knows No Strangers

At Chic-Fil-A last Thursday, WC saw a girl taking pics of her kiddo in the play area. WC marched up to her and said, "Take my picture!". The girl was a little taken aback, but she complied with this bossy little 3 year old (her voice makes you do that) and then WC promptly said "Let me see!" while putting her hand on the girl's leg, waiting to see the screen.

At Braum's on Friday night, she sat down with a couple having hot fudge sundaes and asked them "What are you eating?"

And yesterday our neighbor was out doing yard work, getting some sun without his shirt on. WC walked over to him and asked "Why are you nekkid?"

If I had half her confidence and lack of shyness, I'd be doing big things. Where in the H did she get it?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Bat Girl Sasha

I'll be keeping the Big Book at P's tball game tonight, and since it's been 17 years (!) since I was a bat girl, I'm off to google "baseball book keeping".
I know I need some sunflower seeds and a pencil, that's for sure.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

GDA: Zoya Nail Polish

Check out for an amazing deal on Zoya nail polish! $72 worth of polish free when you buy the Color Lock system. I am excited to try Zoya!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Look What I Won!

Lookie what I got in the mail! I was recently chosen a giveaway winner at Bergdorf Blonde and I was so excited to see what Shasta would send me! She is just precious and loves the finer things so I knew it would be a fabulous gift. I don't even know how I stumbled upon her blog- but now I'm addicted and look forward to her posts so much.

I cannot wait to have an evening all to myself to take a bath and use the scrub and lotion! It smells so pretty! Shasta, thanks so much!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sephora Sun Kit + Bonus Ebates Cash Back!

I had two fabulous things in my email box today.

The above Sun Safety kit from Sephora, which I totally mean to order every year, but am totally doing today. Girls, take care of your skin! I always had a savage tan back in the day, but I am paying dearly for it- my face looks terrible- hyperpigmentation, freckles, wrinkles.... I am so mad at myself! I use sunscreen every day now.

And on top of that........

This weekend, Ebates is doubling cash back from purchases at Sephora!!!! Fabulous- you get 8% back! Sign up under me and we'll both get $5!

Also, use code JUICE to get a 1 oz oil free moisturizer sample. And shipping is always free on $50.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Coach Shoes Goodness

Coach Hayes

How gorgeous is she? Dillard's was having a fabulous Coach sale this week and I picked these up for almost 50% off- it was an amazing deal! I love shoe shopping at Dillard's because I just walk around trying on whatever I want since all the display shoes fit me since I am a 6. Fun stuff. Don't have to wait for a salesperson to help!

I wore these yesterday and they are actually very comfortable. Felt like a million bucks....

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Crazy Americans

I mean, not that I got my act together enough to vote myself, but I cannot believe that America sent Allison home... she was fabulous and that duet with Adam simply rocked.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

GDA: Free 8X10 at Walgreens

What a great deal! Use code MOTHER to get a free 8X10 at Walgreens- today only!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Lipgloss Find

Are you tired of my lipstick finds? Do you think I am crazy for spending $26 on a lippie? I don't want to hear you say one little word about it... I know I have a problem and I've made peace with it.

I purchase Plum Wave and it is divine! It applies like a lipgoss, but has the coverage of a long-wearing lipstick while still being moisturizing. It doesn't bleed and the color lasts hours. Meet all my requirements! Oh, and it smells good too.

I see that Sephora has some new shades and I'd like to try Digital Berry. (Is anyone from Lancome corporate reading?) I tried Plum Savvy on my hand at the store and there wasn't enough color in it for me.

Speaking of Sephora, I don't know if you noticed, but I have an affiliate box on the upper right hand side.... should you be placing a Sephora order, be sure and stop by my site first and click through- I'll love you forever... and be able to purchase more lippies to try and blog about!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Graduate

Unbelievably, The Politician graduated from PreK on Saturday. He's been at this Catholic preschool since he was 6 weeks old.... after he completes the summer program and leaves for public K in the fall, he will have been there for 6 years!

The Wild Child goes to school there also and I don't know what she'll do when she figures out her bubba is at a different school this fall... they love getting to see each other during the day. She was so well-behaved at the ceremony, it was like someone switched her out with another child! Ha!
Look at this big boy in his cap and gown! I figured he'd flip out about having a wear something over his clothes, but he did just fine and was quite angelic.
But once he got his diploma, the silly-ness came out. He spent the rest of the alphabet doing this....

And this.

After the ceremony, he chose to eat at Red Robin. After lunch, he looked at me and said, "This is the most exciting week of my life!"

My little boy is growing up so fast. And I'm so proud of him.

Friday, May 1, 2009

GDA: Target

Target has the 20 oz Vitamin Water 10s on sale for $1.02. Combine that with the $1 off coupon from last Sunday's paper, and you've got a free drink!

I got the XXX (triple berry or some such) and it's fabulous.

Also, Target has some of their Pace speciality salsas on sale for $1.99. Combine that with the $1 off coupon that was in last Sunday's paper, and you've got fabulous salsa for 99 cents!

My personal favorite is Tequila Lime.