
Friday, September 5, 2008

Shoes On the Brain

Melissa noted that I must have "shoes on the brain" since I typed "TV shoes" rather than "TV shows" in my last post....

And I do....

Yesterday I ordered these Royal Elastic Flonica shoes from (Don't forget to go through ebates!!!!!)

Do we like them?

Luckily, with free shipping both ways, it's no big deal if I don't.

But I think they'll be super-cute with the magic pants!

They were out of 6s, but I went ahead and ordered 6.5 since someone said they run a little small. So we shall see... stay tuned!

Edited to add: Well, the 6.5s are too big! And I can't find 6s anywhere except at Athleta and they never have free shipping......

As for my feet, I did get pretty lucky and they didn't change size after I had kids. But I do have strange feet. I wear a 5.5 or 6 in most shoes, but a 5 in crocs and a 6.5 in running shoes (Brooks). Weird, I know!


  1. oooh yes, with the MAGIC pants, you'll be cutest Sooner Ever!

  2. Those are cute--be sure to let us know if they're as comfy as they look!

    I just got caught up on your blog after somehow missing it for a week or two--always a cheery one to read. :)

  3. I think they are super cute...but I don't think they look comfy. Of course, I am one of those freaks that thinks high heels are comfy.

  4. Can't wait to see them paired with the magic pants! BTW~ I have an award for you over on my blog for being one of my favorite bloggers!

  5. You should try LL Bean Perfect Fit pants. They come in petite (aka short & fat).

  6. You seem quite interesting so I'm subscribing/following your blog :)

  7. they look very cute, and what is up with the size 6 shoe? wth who has that small of a foot?

    My big fat foot is a size 8 1/2 or 9. I was an 8 before kids, so does that mean you were like a 5 or are you abnormal and your foot didn't grow with pregnancy:)


What say you?