
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sign up for Hungry Girl Emails!

You guys, if you are not currently signed up for Hungry Girl emails, you must stop whatever you are doing and sign up right now!!!!!! They send out a daily email with fabulous new diet-friendly treats and eats. I love getting these every morning!

If you sign up, be sure and enter my email address (sasha2599 at yahoo dot com) in the "How did you hear?" field, because whoever is their 500,000th subscriber will win a fabulous prize (and so will the referrer!)


  1. OMG! I am signing up right now!!Anonymous B

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks! I've never heard of that site before. I'll be looking forward to the daily emails. I'm 5 pounds away from my goal weight and can use all the help I can get.

  4. LOVE Hungy Girl!!!

    The Vita tops are good but I wouldn't say over-the-top fabulous. I follow Weight Watcher's so they are low in points and healthy....yada yada. Trust me, I'd rather have a cupcake but they do the trick and satisfy!

    The size is decent about the size of a large muffin top. I get them at Whole Foods and my local grocer has them in the frozen section as they go bad really fast(no preservatives). I would try and find them local before ordering a huge batch. I like the chocolate/corn/the multi-bran the most. They hit the spot and you do feel like you're eating a lot for the points. Hope this helps.

    BTW-Always love you beauty posts (as another beauty addict-in recovery) ;)



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