
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Running Update

So now that I've run my first official 10K, what's my next goal?

Why, a half marathon, of course!

I think I've already told you I'm pretty sure I have undiagnosed ADHD as I have the shortest attention span EVER, so this is a big stretch for me to think that I can do this. Right now, it's hard for me to imagine doing anything for more than 2 hours....

But I'm going to give it a try. I really think my audio book eureka moment was the best idea I ever had and I think it'll the answer. I am really enjoying listening to Shopaholic and Sister and already have Shopaholic and Baby on my itunes ready to go (thank you public library!) once I finish Sister.

So this is the plan I think I am going to follow to train for the half mary. I may shoot for doing one in the fall or early winter, hopefully with some of the girls on my relay team. (Come on girls, we can do it!) I think there's one in November in Texas (is that right Cory?). If not, then definitely next April.

Anyone on board with me? I need a "Training for a Half" blinkie!


  1. Not up for a 1/2 marathon (my knees are having some serious trouble - so the high impact stuff is on the back burner...doing other types of workouts) but wanted to say "Yay! Go Sasha!!" My husband is doing the NJ marathon this Sunday & has great training tips if you need any:)

  2. I'm not up for a half anytime soon, but I think that will be a goal in the next year. The Nike Women's marathon in San Fran. had a rep for being a very cool 1/2 marathon (Tiffany necklace charm for a "medal" -- how cool is that?) I was just trying to convince another blog pal that this should be our goal for fall 2009 (since 2008 is already at max capacity unfortunately).

    I've run 1/2's and full marathons before and always have used Hal Higdon's training plans. He has a website with all his plans for different fitness levels/race lengths you can find by googling. (I think it's halhigdon dot com but didn't verify that).

    Good luck! 1/2 is not such a stretch if you enjoyed a 10K. 1/2 is doable and fun!

  3. You go girl! I still haven't run a 5k race...but can run the distance:) I just left Rachael a comment from reading her post on CM's blog about the 1/2 marathon in 2009....I told her I think we all need to do it and it be a 1/2 marathon, girls trip and bloggers unite trip:)

  4. The White Rock Marathon (also 5K and half) is in Dallas at the beginning of Dec. DH ran the half 2 years ago... pretty good course through downtown and some pretty residential stuff.

  5. Awesome Job on the 10K!

    OK, so I love love those books! Have you read (listened to) Kinsela's "Can you Keep a Secret"? I've read it 3 times, its by far her best (my opinion)

  6. Good for you!!! I want to start running. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  7. Where in TX is this run you're considering? Let me know - I'd love to come cheer you on!!!

  8. GOOD LUCK on the half. It's a great distance. I used the same training guide for my first one. Have fun and remember to enjoy the experience - it really is a great accomplishment. Good luck and have fun!

  9. I want to make it to a 10K first. I think I might be running my first 1/2 marathon in January of 2009. I have like 9 months to train, right?

    This post has inspired me to go to the gym. Well, ok, I was going anyway.

  10. I just ran my first half--it is really satisfying to finish it up. The training can be a bit time-consuming, though. I also suffer from a bit of the ADHD in that I am easily bored. I would recommend training for a race that is about 3-4 months out. I started training in late January for an early May race and was B-O-R-E-D by the time of the race. Still it was great, so best of luck to ya!


What say you?