
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ask the Product Junkie: Self Tanners

Clemsongirl asks: How about the self tanner dealies at BBW? Thoughts?

Courtney writes: ooh! I'd like a review on your favorite self tanner please!

First and foremost, you should know I love to be tan. I spent so many years trying to get (and usually achieving) that savage tan. I always feel prettier with a tan. But alas, we now know that it's bad for your skin...... So a few years back I decided no more outside or bed tanning for me.

I was always freaked out by self-tanning lotions because of all the orange results I'd seen on others so I stayed away.

So when Jergens first came out with their gradual tanner in 2004, I rushed to try it. I was not impressed. The smell was off-putting and I could not get even color, especially on my legs. So I gave up for a little while.

Next I tried Dove's version. A little better, but still not something I enjoyed using.

Now, one of my favorite beauty bloggers is Beauty Addict. Last summer she did a feature called Fake Bake Month and I discovered St. Ives Healthy Brilliance Renew & Glow.

Oh, what a much better smell! The color was great for me and it actually was a terrific body lotion as a bonus. Easy to spread, dries fast, develops into a nice light tan after a few days. I found it at Target and it was reasonably priced at around $7. I was sold.

Of course, you'll never get identical results to an actual outdoor tan, and my results were nowhere near as dark as the savage tan I was used to getting..... but this is probably the next best thing. Check out Beauty Addict and give some of her suggestions a try!

Edited to add: Well, damn. It looks like it may have been discontinued. I haven't bought it since last summer..... I am very disappointed! Maybe it's still in some stores, though. Be on the lookout.

I guess it's back to Beauty Addict's reviews and I'll try to find something similar.


  1. Great tip! I love going to Mystic Tan before I go on vacation, go to a wedding, etc. but it's great to find good stuff to keep my "tan" going.

  2. This will be my next purchase...I just got back from Target with my Revlon Sheer Pomegranate...and LOVE it! Thank you!!!

  3. Ooooh, I'm so glad you did this! I'm in need of a new self-tanner too. I'm definitely going to try the St. Ives. How long does it last? Is it a nice-sized bottle?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Well, damn. It looks like it may have been discontinued. I haven't bought it since last summer..... I am very disappointed. Maybe it's still in stores, though.

    plslade, it was a nice sized bottle (6 oz or so) that lasted for a month or so.

    I guess it's back to Beauty Addict's reviews and I'll try to find something similar.

  6. Feeling all wintery blah-sy/ spring fevery now. I think a fake tan is just the thing I need. (though I've never really found a product I like).

    I'll have to give it a try.

  7. Oops. Should have read the comments first.

    OK, anxiously awaiting your alternate recommendation. :)

  8. I'm anxiously awaiting a recommendation as well. I'll admit it, I still tan... but obviously not when I'm preggo! Tried the Jergens for 2 wks and got ZERO results! So I've quit it and hating my pasty skin! ;) Let me know when you find something new - you know how it is in the South... it's almost April and I can't be lookin' like this! :)

  9. I found your blog through my life as a crazy cat lady. I just did a post on the new Vaseline Healthy Body Glow lotion. I love it! It doesn't have that terrible smell and it is relatively cheap. I am looking forward to reading more of your blog.

  10. Have you tried the one from Dove? I stood in Target smelling them yesterday, and it seems to smell okay. I'm still leery though. The Jergens really stinks!


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