
Saturday, March 29, 2008

You Take The Good, You Take The Bad

Well, my 5K went fab this AM. 29:40! I am excited! I've got another one coming up on May 3rd and I am excited to keep working on my time.

As for the bad, well, WC attempted to bite 4 times yesterday, and two of the attempts were completed....................

Also, they said she doesn't seem to "get" the concept of time-out, as she chose to laugh, dance, and sing a few songs while there. Now, I could have told them that.

So start crossing your fingers again that we don't get kicked out. For good measure, I am going garden shopping for the school garden on Sunday and will probably attend the Catholic pancake breakfast before church tomorrow. Cause it can't hurt.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Ask the Product Junkie: Eye Makeup

Shannie writes: Please tell me about non-smudging eye makeup. I don't care what I buy, it smudges and I look like a raccoon by the end of the day. Please help!

Oh Shannie, this ties in perfectly with the Too Faced eye makeup review I've been meaning to do for almost 2 weeks! Thanks for kicking me in the ass and making me get it done!

I went along with Slim to Ulta a few weeks ago to watch her get a Too Faced makeover by a Too Faced makeup artist. It was fab! I intently watched every move the artist made, asked a million questions about her techniques and even what makeup she was personally wearing, and probably convinced her that I was a freak. Or maybe not, because she did offer to do a touch-up on me since I wasn't bare-faced. Fun!

One product I was particularly interested was the eye shadow primer, something I haven't used since the old days when I used Clinique's Touch Base, which I stopped using because I hated using my finger to apply it. Recently, I've heard a lot about Urban Decay's Primer Potion (called UDPP by beauty bloggers), but I've also read a lot about how their delivery sucks and leaves a lot of product unreachable in the tube.

But I am in love with Too Faced's Shadow Insurance ($17)! Much better application system. The makeup artist said to squeeze a small amount on a concealer brush and apply all over your lid up to your brow. It's amazing how much better my eye shadow wears when I use this. I am wearing eye shadows I never wore before because I could never get a good application from them. Now I know the secret.....

Next, she showed me Too Faced's Liquif-Eye ($17.50). What a fab product! This turns any eye shadow into an eyeliner that lasts all day! So now I'm always able to have a coordinating eye liner to go with my chosen shadow. Now, I was a liquid eyeliner virgin, but this is relatively fool-proof if you go slowly. The result is a just more intense version of the eye shadow you choose. You'll love it.
I'm always on the make for that perfect mascara. Here's my wish list of mascara qualifications:
  • doesn't run or smudge throughout the day, even when I exercise
  • thickens
  • lengthens dramatically
  • is easy to take off
I thought I'd found my HG mascara a few months ago when I discovered Fiberwig ($22). Fiberwig met all my qualifications except it didn't do much to thicken.

However, Lash Injection ($19.50) does! Magnificently!

Note that removing the fiber mascaras is a little different and takes a little getting used to. When you remove them, your cotton ball doesn't get all black and smeary. The mascara comes off in little tubes, almost solidly. Fiberwig's marketing includes the slogan "No more panda eyes" and that goes for Lash Injection, my absolutely most favorite mascara ever. Seriously.

So have fun shopping!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

You've got to be kidding me

Guys, The Wild Child had been doing so great at school and hadn't bitten in weeks, maybe months.

But today she bit someone. Her closest little buddy.... on the face.

I am crushed. And at a loss as to what to do.

Ask the Product Junkie: Self Tanners

Clemsongirl asks: How about the self tanner dealies at BBW? Thoughts?

Courtney writes: ooh! I'd like a review on your favorite self tanner please!

First and foremost, you should know I love to be tan. I spent so many years trying to get (and usually achieving) that savage tan. I always feel prettier with a tan. But alas, we now know that it's bad for your skin...... So a few years back I decided no more outside or bed tanning for me.

I was always freaked out by self-tanning lotions because of all the orange results I'd seen on others so I stayed away.

So when Jergens first came out with their gradual tanner in 2004, I rushed to try it. I was not impressed. The smell was off-putting and I could not get even color, especially on my legs. So I gave up for a little while.

Next I tried Dove's version. A little better, but still not something I enjoyed using.

Now, one of my favorite beauty bloggers is Beauty Addict. Last summer she did a feature called Fake Bake Month and I discovered St. Ives Healthy Brilliance Renew & Glow.

Oh, what a much better smell! The color was great for me and it actually was a terrific body lotion as a bonus. Easy to spread, dries fast, develops into a nice light tan after a few days. I found it at Target and it was reasonably priced at around $7. I was sold.

Of course, you'll never get identical results to an actual outdoor tan, and my results were nowhere near as dark as the savage tan I was used to getting..... but this is probably the next best thing. Check out Beauty Addict and give some of her suggestions a try!

Edited to add: Well, damn. It looks like it may have been discontinued. I haven't bought it since last summer..... I am very disappointed! Maybe it's still in some stores, though. Be on the lookout.

I guess it's back to Beauty Addict's reviews and I'll try to find something similar.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Taking Submissions: Ask the Product Junkie

Rachael had a fab idea- I should do a write-in feature! Fun!

Are you wondering about any new products you've seen? Makeup questions? We're talking food, cleaning products, candy, beauty products, clothes, anything.

Cause here's the deal: If it's new, on an endcap, or there's a coupon for it, I've probably bought it. And believe me, I've got opinions. Mr. Sasha is convinced there's a career out there for me in product review, but I'm not so sure. I'm a little like Rosie Perez's character on White Men Can't Jump, I know a little bit about a lot of stuff.

Anyway, leave me a comment with your question and I'll post some answers later today!

Also, can anyone think of a better name for the feature besides Ask the Product Junkie? Creativeness is my downfall.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


One of the mottos in contention for NLP: RD: Motto is "Every day is a liquor convention" and of course there is WC's suggested "I need ice!".

Here in the south(west) we're stating to have some fab days mixed in with our 20 degree days. Saturday was one of those nice days and Mr. Sasha suggested we grill hamburgers. I ran to WalMart since we had none of the stuff on hand, and wandered down the beer aisle.

Ever since I'd seen the Tea Partay video last year (East is so much better than West), I've been dying to try to Smirnoff Raw Tea and this was the perfect occasion. I found the Raspberry variety and into my cart it went.
verdict: Yum! And more yum! Light and refreshing.... I downed two before I even realized it. No aftertaste. Just wonderful. I'll be buying more and can see these being a staple this summer.

I'm also a fan of the original Blue Moon, and yesterday when I was at Target at lunch I found this new version:

Blue Moon Rising Moon Spring Ale. So of course I bought this too. I don't know when I think I'm going to drink this all. Maybe you can come over for a drink this weekend.

Ask the Product Junkie

JKW writes: Hey! I have a makeup question for you! Along with transforming the body...I am in desperate need of a new lip and eye color...and have noticed your makeup reviews...any particular suggestions for a fair skinned person like me? I need a lip color that doesn't rub off in two seconds....Thanks!

Well, first of all, I'm so flattered you asked me! I do have some suggestions for you.

I describe myself as PDP (pretty damn pale) and it looks as though our hair color is about the same... so I think some things that work well for me may work well for you too.

First, let me tell you about my HG (holy grail) lip routine.

First, I apply TheBalm's Stainiac in Beauty Queen (it's berry pink, not the shade above). It's a fabulous gel stain that lasts quite a long time. I find I get the most even long-lasting wear from a gel stain. It's $14 at Sephora and a great buy because it lasts forever.

Then, once that's dry, I apply Bare Escentuals's Buxom Lips in Dominique (again, not the shade above- Dominique is a shimmery clear). Love love love this gloss- but only Dominique- don't try the colored ones as they suck. Dominique is $18 from Sephora. Still a good value- I've been using the same tube since Christmas pretty much every day and I still have half left.

Now, if you are looking for a drugstore HG, have I got the product for you.

I've been using Revlon's ColorStay Overtime Sheer in Sheer Pomegranate for years. I bet I've bought 10 tubes of this. The color is fabulous for someone with our coloring and I get almost all-day wear with this. I do reapply the topcoat a few times throughout the day, but the base color stays on very well. At under $10 at most drugstores and stores like WalMart and Target, this is a super buy and would probably be my recommendation on what you should try first.

Stay tuned for my long-promised Too Faced eye product post! I am still loving these three new products I got!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

We had a fabulous Easter. The weather was much better than predicted and there were no rain clouds in sight.

Of course, after the kids got their eggs, I couldn't get them to look up for a picture, so this is all I've got. Like 10 of these. The Wild Child is all about the chocolate. I had to confiscate about 10 million pieces of gum, because The Politician swallowed some because no one besides me knew that Razzles turned into gum. Didn't they see 13 Going On 30?

And of course, as is typical in the south(west), our day was capped off by a little fishing. Hard to see, but The Politician caught him a little fish. He ran up the hill waving his pole around so excited and managed to whap my mom and his aunt Bridge in the face with his fish.

Hope you all had a nice holiday with your family!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

20 Years Ago

Here is a pic I ran across last night of me and Mamalicious on the first day of school freshman year. So yeah, that's 20 years ago this fall!

I'm not sure how I got my bangs to do that, but if I recall correctly it involved some hairspray applied while I had my head upside down. Nice. Also, I do believe I had on Revlon Silver City Pink lipstick. Fab. I also see some baby blue eyeliner and am 100% sure I have on an Esprit outfit.

I was looking for the Morp (backwards Prom) trash bag outfit pictures, but was unable to locate them. Hopefully they will turn up, because they are Fierce. We were way before our time. You gotta see them.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

NLP:RD Motto

So I've decided to totally get into my NLP:RD, I need a motto. Here are some choices I've narrowed down.

Every day is a liquor convention. -Sasha
You get what you get, and you don't get upset. -The Politician
It doesn't have to be perfect to be Done. -Ashley
Progress, not Perfection. Action, not Avoidance. Faith, not Fear. -The Renee
I need ice! -The Wild Child
If you can't get it at Target, you don't need it. -Sasha (duh)
I'll get back to you with NLP:RD Motto once it's finalized.

PSA: Easter Eggs

Rolls of Smarties do not fit inside the medium plastic Easter eggs. Just so you know, and to save you and your Mr. from having this discussion:

Me: Sweet Niblets, they don't fit.... now what are we going to do?

Mr. Sasha: Do you have any hidden candy that will work? Maybe some of those Hershey kisses I've seen hidden in the laundry room?

Me: Those are chocolate, and we aren't supposed to take chocolate, and shut up.

Mr. Sasha: I don't know then. What will fit in these little eggs that isn't chocolate?

Me: Hmmmm...... Starburst! How about I go get 2 packs of Starburst at CVS real quick and we'll just stuff a Starburst or two in each egg?

Mr. Sasha: That's kinda tacky. Why don't you at least get the Easter packs of Starburst?

Me: K. Point taken. I suck.

Calgon, take me away!!!!

Ya'll, I am about to explode. Craziest day ever.

I was actually so busy (cleaning before the cleaning lady comes) this morning, that I put on a sapphire ring instead of my wedding ring. Also left the house without a few things that I needed today.

On the way to school, WC was saying "I throw up" which is totally not true, but still freaked me out every time she said it. She likes to repeat stuff out of context, kind of like saying "Ice cream truck's in trouble." Gee.

Also have totally blown my diet today because it's is someone's birthday and of course I made Neiman Marcus Bars (duh!) and someone made Oreo Balls, and of course 5 of them have jumped in my mouth.

I am getting so close to having my giveaway prizes ready to go out... but yeah, I'm just not there yet. Don't lose hope, I promise it will happen.

I am way behind on reading my favorite blogs, and I have got to get my picture order ready.

Does anyone want to be my personal assistant? It doesn't pay well, but I'll do your nails, give you a makeup makeover, help you set up a blog of your own complete with statcounter and a scrapblog header, and even burn you a cool CD. I'll even save some Neiman Marcus bars for you. Any takers?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Found 'em!

Yay! Just got back from Target and lo and behold, there they were! And let me tell you, the Lemon Creme kisses are yummy.

You know what they taste like? A Lemon Little Bucket dessert from KFC. Ever have one? Since they don't carry these at my KFC anymore, these will be a fab substitute. Can't wait to tell my mom. She'll die!

So run go get some. 2 packs for $4. Can't beat that. And go ahead and get the Orange Creme ones too because you'll love them. Be my partner in crime.

Since I've Left You Hanging

Well, damn. Of course Target was out of the Lemon Creme kisses yesterday. Mr. Target Stocker Guy scanned the bar code on the shelf and said somewhere in the back there were 51 bags, but he had no clue where. He very insincerely offered to go look, but I told him not to bother since his attitude was so sucky (I didn't say that last part out loud). So I guess I'll go back this week (surprise!) and try to find them again.

But.... I did spy the Orange Creme ones so you know I tossed those in my cart. They are really good! They remind me of an Orange Julius. Don't worry Tina, it's white chocolate with swirls of orange flavored white chocolate. Pretty damn good. Hope the lemon is good too.

The Tide Smart Dry hangers rock! Totally solved the problem of hanger pucker on the shoulders of Mr. Sasha's shirts that I hang to dry. My shirts are too little for those giant hangers, so I picked up a bottle of the Downy Wrinkle Release that was suggested in my comments. I have used it before and remember it smells great, so hopefully that will help my shirts.
And last, but not least, the Crocs Pelican shoes? To. Die. For. The 6/7s fit The Wild Child perfectly and she loves them. I may still order the pink/pink ones, but the purple/pink ones are darling in person.

I've got to get back to work, but later I'll update you on the Too Faced mini makeover I got on Sunday at Ulta and the 3 new Too Faced products I got and love!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Hershey Lemon Creme Kisses

I am super pissed at Hershey. Front page on my Target ad yesterday were these (probably) yummies. Don't think I won't be running to Target at some point today and picking up a bag. No matter that I've gained a few lbs since I've haven't at all been watching what I've been eating. Damn Girl Scout cookies.

Anyway, you know I can't resist candy and you know I'm all about the "new". So I'll be back later to give you the verdict and also post about my weekend.

Happy Monday!

Friday, March 14, 2008

New Running Site

Those on the C25K Bandwagon, just found the coolest site!

Map My Run lets you create different routes to see your distance, speed, and calories burned. You can save them to your training log and see what progress you make!

Super cool. I'm always guessing how far I've run, and I've been known to drive it out in my car afterwards. But this is much more efficient, and we all know I'm all about efficiency since I really don't have any extra time in my life.

Enjoy! (And let me know how running is going for you!)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Worst Mother Ever?

Just how ghetto am I if I emptied out the Halloween buckets yesterday to use them for the Easter egg hunt last night?

I was sure I'd see other parents and their children toting Cars or Princess buckets like us, but I saw none. I think we were the only ones.....

Sucks to be my kids.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Crocs Pelican

OMG, how freakin cute are these? The Wild Child needs them, obvs, only I need to find them cheaper than the $36 that Zappos has them for..... They also come in hot pink with light pink, which might actually be cuter....

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Get Ye To Walgreens

Because they've got their Sally Hansen Hard As Wraps on sale for $1. Yup, you read that right. 1 buckeroo.

I love this polish- I have had it in Heartbeat Frost and have used it on my nails quite a few times and it is gorgeous.

So of course I bought 8 bottles. Cause it's just $1!!! And I really want to be The Girl Who Always Has Fabulously Painted Nails. You and I both know that's not going to happen, because I've been attempting to paint my nails for 5 days now and just can't get it done. But once I get some time, I'm all set.

And also, I am feeling back to normal today. Thanks for all your well-wishes. Contacts back in today, hair looks good, and I've got my precious printed flats from Target on. And it's 70 degrees and I'm planning on running outside today! Yay for Tuesday!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Today's Lesson: Teeth

It was Teeth Week in The Politician's 4 year old room, and here's what we learned:

There were chickens in my mouth and I took the whole box of floss to get all the chicken out. And I tell Ms. Donna that all the chickens were in my mouth.

If we eat too much candy, when it touches our teeth blood, you have to get a lot of floss and floss that out like we didn’t like chickens.

You have to brush your teeth really good then there are cavity bugs in your mouth and you have to go to the dentist and get them out and then they are all clean and then you get a prize.

Andrew’s mom is going to come and give us toothbrushes and then we get to take them home and brush our teeth with them and that’s it.

Is it evident that the Sashas eat a lot of chicken?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Gee, I Have Been Biz-E

I have been promising, promising, promising to tell you all about my most recent Sephora order, and by damn, I just haven't gotten it done.

So here's a quick little recap with my opinion on each product.

Sephora Lush Flush Wine Lip & Cheek Stain - Love this! This is similar to my HG lip stain, TheBalm Stainiac, but a slightly different shade. I adore the fact that it's almost a gel, as I find stains that are very liquidy like Benetint to be too watery to get good coverage. This looks fab with some sparkly gloss on top, and I adore the sponge tip applicator and see-through packaging.

Too Faced Mood Swing - Awesome! This gloss goes on clear but morphs to one of 4 pink shades depending on your mood. Being medicated and all, my moods are pretty even, but the one or two shades I've gotten have been beautiful. After the gloss wears off, I'm left with a pretty Popsicle-stained lip that I love. I just add some sparkly clear gloss.

Smashbox O-Gloss - Love the idea, but I think I like the Too Faced product better. This doesn't seem to leave a stain after the gloss wears off. I just don't think this lasts long enough.

Stila Cherry Crush Lip & Cheek Stain - Love the color, hate the packaging. I had to click the tube a bazillion times to get it started (seriously) and it's really hard to figure out how many clicks you need once you do get it started. I do love the texture and color, but the delivery spoils this one for me.

Why oh why am I an accountant? Why do I live in Podunk America? Why can't I be a beauty editor at my favorite magazine Glamour?????

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I Am Blown Away

You guys, just got a preview from our photographer of WC's pics.... what do you think? I am blown away... especially by the middle pic. Can't wait to see the rest... can't wait to see what she got of P.

Remember When?

I totally remember popped collars. At the skating rink. There was this chick that skated backwards at Star Skate like nobody's business, and she always had a popped up collar. Slim and Holly, remember?

But I don't remember anybody wearing 4 popped collars! WTH?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Saturday was P's second soccer game. Yes, we totally missed the first game because we are The Worst Parents Ever. Really, the getting the team together was a last minute thing that involved begging the Y to let us in and each family having to pay an extra $10, so us being out of town for the first game was totally not our fault.

Anyway, he pretty much just stood there and watched the ball go by. Even stepped out of the way a few times. Other times, he was dancing around, doing a little jig. Mr. Sasha was not happy. Three of P's friends were getting after it, getting sweaty and generally red-faced. They were hustling. While P was dancing. And standing around. He totally did not need that Gatorade we passed out after the game.

I just don't think he's going to be an athlete.
What do you think?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Cleaning off my desk

I keep jotting down stuff to tell you on sticky notes, but I keep losing them (duh) and so I thought I'd make a list of things that are to come:

  1. Had professional pics of the kids done last Saturday- pics of what was worn and stories of how fabulous the kids were to come
  2. The Politician started soccer- it remains to be seen if he is at all athletic
  3. Had a free sandwich at Schlotzsky's yesterday because I registered at their site
  4. Got a free OPI nail polish at Ulta yesterday from my rewards from last quarter- pretty- show you later
  5. Don't neglect to cut out that coupon for $1 off any Johnson & Johnson Buddies Product from Sunday's paper- can be used for the bars of soap that are 99 cents at CVS and Target!
  6. I used to DJ middle school dances with my friend Betsy (just threw that in there for ya- pretty interesting, huh?)
  7. That new TV show High School Reunion- am I crazy or was there already a show like this 10 years or so ago??? Please someone help me remember!
  8. If you have a Comcast address- they hate me and won't let my emails through- so Shelly, I will need an alternate email address because they are blocking my emails to you!
  9. I promise Lip Stain/Gloss reviews to come! Promise!
  10. I may or may not be coming down with the flu. Operation Break Myself of Afrin went super (no use on Friday-Sunday) but all of the sudden yesterday I felt a new cold coming on! And now I'm achy....
  11. Went to a local consignment sale last night and scored some super cute designer kids stuff- pics to come
Whew. That feels better. If it is in fact the flu and I disappear for a few days, at least I've got a to do list to work from....

Edited to add: Oh, thank goodness. Found this at wikipedia: High School Reunion is an original program that will begin airing March 5 2008. According to the TV Land website, the 1987 graduating class of J.J. Pearce High School in Richardson, Texas will be reunited and conduct documentary-style interviews on their classmates without having their old peers listening in. The people interviewed are given labels to describe their high school roles. The series was filmed in Maui.

The program had originally aired on The WB for two seasons between 2003 and 2005. Those series featured reunions of younger classes (ten-year reunions), and focused more the on the strife, romantic tension and old rivalries between classmates than the lighter tone of the TV Land version of the series.

Dear Randy Jackson,

Dawg, this makeup-loving gal must know: What shine control product are you using these days? On the show the last few weeks, I've noticed your skin looks fierce, and so nice and matte! Please share! Maybe you are using my HG primer, EDM Tinted Silk Dust?

Monday, March 3, 2008

Benefit Thrrrob Review

I was so excited when I got my latest Sephora catalog with Beauty As Art as the theme. Flipping though I saw so many products I couldn't wait to try! Traci Anne and I exchanged no less than 20 emails discussing my order!

Benefit's Dandelion is a product that's been around for a few years, and is one of my HG blushes. It's actually marketed as a highlighter, but if you are PDP (pretty damn pale) like me, it works fab as a blush.

Slightly shimmery, but not too much so, this gives me that radiant "flush" that looks so natural. It also had the slightest rose fragrance which sounds yucky but is actually quite nice. It's a little pricey at $28, but it lasts absolutely forever. In fact, I threw out my last container because I'd had it way longer than cosmetically safe.

So when I saw Benefit had a new product called Thrrrob, I knew I had to have it. I think it's actually a little more lilac than the above pic represents, but still in the pink family. I've been alternating between the two for the past two days and like them equally well.

Thrrrob is a little darker and has a bit more shimmer. It's pricing is the same as Dandelion, $28.

If you are PDP, go for it. Any darker than that and these may not work as blushes for you. I read several reviews on Makup Alley stating the products didn't show up, and I suspect these ladies were darker complected than I am.

In the next few days, I'll be posting some reviews of some new lips stains from my order, some of the new mood lip glosses (including O Gloss) and even some reviews of past lip stains I've tried! Stay tuned!

Giveaway Results!

Now, you knew I wouldn't actually get around to doing the drawing at 9 CST last night, didn't you? Luckily, no one else commented since then, so it's a moot point (or a moo point, as Joey Tribiani would say.)

And you knew I wouldn't have my shit together to actually put the names on pieces of paper and literally DRAW three out, didn't you?

I just made a trusty little list on paper, assigning everyone a number in the order they left their posts. I did leave off Traci Anne since my gift came from her.

Then I meandered over to and used their random number service. Too cool. You tell it how many numbers you need (3), give it a starting and ending point (and yes those numbers can be the results) and poof! Three numbers!

Without further ado, the winners are:

Jason and Laurie

Shoot me an email with your mailing info and shortly (in a week or two) a nice little surpise will arrive at your door!