
Monday, January 30, 2012

The Dog I Really Didn't Want

The dog I really didn't want is now the dog I can't imagine not having! She's my little velcro-dog... always underfoot, following me around. So very excited to see me, which is nice because the other two small things in my house are always complaining about the lack of snack choices in our pantry.

So I'm thinking about getting her one of these PetHub Smartphone ID Tags- doesn't that look genius? Amazon has them for $12.50 plus $1.50 shipping and they come in a few different colors, so you don't have to put a pink tag on Butch if that's not his signature color.

From the description on Amazon:

The bar code and web address both point to a free profile for your pet at PetHub's website. This means you can change what's displayed without needing to modify the physical tag. No sign-up fees, no annual fee for the Bronze Subscription. Ever. Just the cost of the tag.

What kind of tag does your dog have? Bella is currently sporting a pink heart tag I printed our phone number on at the Walmartz.

Disclosure: This post contains an Amazon referral link.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


As I place an order for Methyl B12, which doesn't contain cyanide like the B12 I took for over a year (!!!), I find myself craving a Twix. Damn it, it's just down the hall and I even found a crisp dollar bill in my pocket when I got dressed this morning, perfect and ready for our picky candy machine. Kismet? Wasn't that dollar meant to purchase a Twix?

My quest to lose 30 pounds felt like it was going well when I celebrated a 4.5 pound weight loss this morning, but that Twix is my nemesis. There is a discrepancy between my desire to lose weight and my ability to not purchase a Twix.

Discrepancy. That's been the word of the day lately. "P exhibits severe ability/achievement discrepancies in the areas of basic reading, reading fluency, and written expression and is eligible for services for the disability Developmental Delays established Specific Learning Disability."

I was prepared for the IEP meeting when I we received that info. Oh, I had printed out extra copies of suggested accommodations from our eye doctor, brought in examples of his classwork to show areas of concern, and felt ready for anything thrown at me.

But I don't think I was prepared for that sentence. Not at all. It was so official, so final, so foreboding. I wanted to dash out of that conference room, get him from his class, and take him home and take him in my arms and tell him I'd always protect him and never let anyone hurt him. Or embarrass him. Or make fun of him.

Because those are my fears, so they must be his too.

Last night I attended an event with a friend at her church, and oh my gosh I should have taken notes, but my arms felt too heavy to make the effort to get a pen out of my purse. This is probably all sorts of wrong, but the speaker said something to the effect of, "We can teach our kids one of two things. First, the love of the Lord and his grace and protection of us. Or second, to take on our fears."

But I remember being a kid. I remember being taunted for wearing big Sally Jessie glasses when I had an eye infection and having bangs that winged out and walking extremely fast by nature. Freshman year of high school sucked. I remember being left out of things, arriving for plans with a group of friends to discover that everyone had eaten take-out dinner without me, me having been left out of that part of the plans on purpose (I'm not a good dinner companion, I suppose.). Junior year of high school sucked. I remember crying over a Triple Cheese Melt from Arby's with my dad after a silly boy broke my heart. Senior year of high school sucked.

And school was easy for me. So how do I prepare my son for what lies ahead, knowing that there may be even different challenges for him than there were for me? But more importantly, how do I keep from projecting my fears on to him? I think that's that biggest question and what I'm struggling with today.

He's not me. That's what I keep repeating.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Project 365: Last Week

Project 365: 01-16-12

Swatching SinfulColors Sugar Sugar for Manicure Mommas

Project 365: 01-17-12

Yay for Little Debbie seasonal Marshmallow Supremes! I can NEVER find them!

Project 365: 01-18-12

Look who got a little haircut- MUCH better! She can see!

Project 365: 01-19-12

I am loving how this pic in sepia looks in my new Pier 1 frame.

Project 365: 01-20-12

Comparing Physicians Formula Happy Booster blush in Rose vs. the new Pink

Project 365: 01-21-12

Love my $3 Big Lots find- Unchartered TerriTori

Project 365: 01-22-12

More Physicians Formula goodies- the new Matchmaker bronzer and blush

Monday, January 16, 2012

Project 365 Update

Project 365 01-09-12

6 years old, 2nd black eye, eye met door knob on the way into gym class

Project 365 01-10-12

trying to get a good pic- sun is hiding

Project 365: 01-11-12

preparing for P's IEP meeting

Project 01-12-12

getting worse before it gets better

Project 365: 01-13-12

I have the current high score on this Ms. Pac-Man! Yay me!

Project 365: 01-14-12

Oh, Walmart, you make me laugh. Advil next to the beer.

Project 365: 01-15-12

So sad.... my last Diet Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash until next November!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Soup Help Please

We REALLY have great neighbors and we have so many fun things throughout the year- the Block Party, the Poker Tourney (see my trophy above), and two of the guys have a fabulous Dirty Santa Christmas party every year. We've had chili cook-offs, a salsa cook-off, and the Sashas hosted a Mardi Gras party last year.

This Saturday is our yearly neighborhood "cook-off" and this year the theme is "soup". I have a few recipes I found online, but if you have some suggestions, I'm all ears! I'd love to bring home another title!

Currently in the lead is Buffalo Wing Soup, courtesy of A Year of Slow Cooking. I'm also considering her Pizza Soup recipe as well as Cheeseburger Soup.

Leave me some suggestions in the comments please!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Update: Working on My Fitness

You know when you hear about something new several times? And you think, hmmm.... am I supposed to do something with this info? Is the universe telling me something?

Last week, my IRL friend Megan posted:

These are the things I want to focus on this month, and I'll be sharing more on each in detail as we move through January together:
1. Why I quit running (and the weight-training program I've taken up instead).
And later, I saw this facebook post from my friend Liz:

So, friends, ChaLEAN Extreme is on it's way to me! (Click on Shop, then Fitness Programs to check it out.)

But in the meantime, I've reacquainted myself with my old friend Jillian- four nights out of the past five!. I have long been a lover of her 30 Day Shred DVD.

The 30 Day Shred follows a 3, 2, 1 formula (3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, 1 minute of abs, repeated 3 times) and it a fabulous quick workout. It clocks in at about 23 minutes including the warm-up (I must admit I am a cool-down skipper).

But I've got to tell you that I am loving her newer 3, 2, 1 formula DVD- Ripped in 30- even more.

Here's why:

  1. Ripped in 30 has 4 workouts on it, compared to 3 on 30 Day Shred.

  2. The workout clocks in at closer to 30 minutes, rather than 23. Nice to add a few minutes, but still stay a manageable length.

  3. There are 3 different moves per strength circuit as opposed to just 2. The 30 Day Shred had you doing the same strength move for 1 minute (rough!) and Ripped in 30 does each move for 30 seconds.

So my plan is to continue to do Jillian while I wait for ChaLEAN to arrive. I'm also planning to run the Dallas Rock 'n Roll Half in March, which I did last year and enjoyed. I really need to concentrate on my fitness in 2012, and although I'm not making it an official resolution, I'm setting it as a priority.

Have you tried Jillian or ChaLEAN? Any fitness goals or upcoming races for you?

Disclosure: This post contains Amazon referral links.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Project 365: The Weekend

Project 365: 01-06-12

Sephora by OPI "That's My Fuschia Husband!"

Project 365: 01-07-12

WC with her new art set purchased with a Christmas gift card

Project 365: 01-08-12

The birthday that never ends! WC invited friends to see the new Chipmunks movie with her on Sunday for her birthday celebration. The movie was cute, although I missed quite a bit making eleventy billion trips to the bathroom!

Friday, January 6, 2012


Project 365: 01-05-12 Warning!

I have never seen a warning like this on my new Revlon PhotoReady Airbrush makeup! However, I've never used mousse makeup either. I am contemplating whether I want to continue using something on my face that carries such a scary warning sign on it!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Drugstore Makeup Love

Project 365: 01-04-12 Drugstore Haul!

Drugstore makeup is so fun! I think the quality of some drugstore makeup rivals high-end brands.

One brand in particular I really like is Physicians Formula. When I saw they had new colors of their Happy Booster Blush, I was on the hunt.

So of course I picked up a few other things to try as well. After all, I just had a birthday!

Left to right:

L'oreal Colour Riche Balm in Plush Plum (quick review: don't really like it)

Revlon PhotoReady Airbrush in Shell (quick review: liking it! no shimmer like the liquid)

Garnier BB Cream in Light/Medium

Physicians Formula Happy Booster Blush in Pink

Physicians Formula Happy Booster 2-in-1 Bronzer & Blush in Bronze/Rose

Physicians Formula Happy Booster Blush in Warm

Have you picked up any new drugstore makeup lately?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Project 365

I don't take enough pictures! Life is just so busy these days that I actually forget I always have a camera with me- my cell. I am going to set a goal of participating in Project 365 this year to re-train myself to capture memories more. Poor WC doesn't even have a baby book and she turned 6 years old today. I guess I was just planning on handing her a flash drive some day and saying "Here you go!".

So I've decided 2012 is the year- the year of memory making and recording for the Sashas.

New to Project 365? Angry Julie just posted a great Project 365 tutorial, and she's definitely qualified since she participated in 2011.

Here are my first three photos:

Enjoying our new Modern Family daily calendar


Celebrating WC's 6th birthday

Very excited for my Sephora birthday gift- minis of the Original Sugar balm and the Rose version as well

Monday, January 2, 2012

Hello 2012

All I can tell you about planning for 2012 is that the Sashas have made the official move from The Office daily calendar to the Modern Family daily calendar.

I miss Steve Carrell.

But Modern Family... it's perfection. I even convined my so-traditional-so-conservative parents that they would love it, and they begged to borrow my Season 2 even before they finished Season 1. Such comedy gold.