
Friday, November 25, 2011

Ebates Black Friday

Ebates has quite a few stores with increased cash back for Black Friday.... I was most excited by Sephora- 10% back! (Ebates link is a referral link.... but you get a $5-10 bonus too if you sign up using that link!)

And Sephora has quite a few gift sets that ship free- even if the cost is under the normal free-shipping threshold of $50.

Remember the Benefits "I Glam Therefore I Am" set I am hoping for? At $36, it's included in the free shipping offer if you use code HOLIDAYSHIP.

Isn't that a gorgeous set?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

12 Days and Counting

My friend Amanda pointed out to me last Friday that White Rock was about 2 weeks away... which meant I only had about 2 weeks to finish training for my 3rd half marathon! Cue shock and horror. Hard to believe it's so close.

My biggest training problem has been that we haven't had a treadmill. It died during the summer and we just hadn't had the time to replace it. It was a great Reebok model that we bought about 9 years ago and lasted both of us through many many Couch to 5K runs.

But treadmills don't seem to be made like the used to be, and we had a hard time finding a model wtih a big enough HP for our liking.

After much research (seriously, the Mr. ought to go to work for Consumer Reports, he is SO good at researching products), he bought the Sole F80.

And I love it! It's quite sturdy and I think it will serve us well for a long time.


Trolling Pinterest (seriously, it's an addiction), I saw an interval program and thought I've give it a try for some treadmill runs. After following the pin, I decided to give the beginner one a try first! I have done the one above a few times and really like it- I don't use an incline though because I am prone to shin splints. Last night I actually did it twice and felt like I got a great 40 minute workout in. And for me, it was a bit of a speed workout- my legs are short and running at 6.5 is like someone is chasing me!

I did 9.5 miles on Saturday, and plan on doing 11 this weekend, so hopefully I'll be ready and make it through. I got some new insoles at a local running store and I really think they are going to help my arch problems and foot pain. Yay for local businesses!

Review: Dr. LeWinn by Kinerase

In March I posted about the launch of Dr. LeWinn by Kinerase...... a drugstore version of one of my favorite high-end lines, Kinerase. The Dr. LeWinn line is carried at Walmart and Walgreens.
(Note that the prices at Walmart appear to be a bit better.)

Here's why I was (and still am) so excited about this new line... the Dr. LeWinn by Kinerase products are budget-friendly versions of the very-very-very expensive products in original Kinerase line. I even did a little comparison for you.
I was recently invited by BzzAgent to join in a campaign for this line, and I jumped at the chance. I have faithfully been using the Under Eye Recovery since I purchased it in March and I still love it. I've been wearing contacts for over 25 years, so my eyes can be a bit sensitive to eye creams. This eye cream doesn't irritate me in the least, yet still seems to be effective.

$25 for .5 oz
A few weeks ago I was visiting my mom and dad and my mom mentioned needing some eye cream. Luckily I had one of the $5 coupons that BzzAgent provided me to pass on to friends with me, so we went to Walgreen's and picked up a tube for her. I asked her last week what she thought, and she reported that she really liked the cream and would definitely be re-purchasing it because it was working well for her.

For you locals, I still have four coupon booklets available, and they have a sample of two other products in them: Instant Dermal Wrinkle Filler, and Lift & Resculpt Anti-Wrinkle Night Cream. If you would like one, just holler at me and I'll pass one on to you!

Disclosure: BzzAgent provided me a full-size product for review and word-of-mouth purposes.

Are You An "Ally McBeal" Fan?

The newest Glee CD (Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album Volume 2) has a fabulous version of Joni Mitchell's River sung by Lea Michele. Love love love that song.

I also love that after I watched a concert recording of Joni's original version on youtube, it suggested I view Robert Downey Jr's cover from Ally McBeal. I am obsessed with RDJ- love love love his singing.

Disclosure: This post contains Amazon referral links. You know that by know, right???? :-)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

GDA: Stila Nail Polish special and FREE shipping

Stila is offering both of their new nail polish sets for $24. AND if you use code SFCGGDY3ET , you will get free shipping on EVERYTHING, no minimum! Hell of a deal.

Also, Stila participates in Ebates, so you can also get 6% back if you start there. Ebates is also offering a great holiday referral special- if you have 5 friends sign up through your referral link. you'll get $75! So even if you already are signed up, remember to pass on to your friends about Ebates for their holiday shopping.

Disclosure: This post contains a referral link for Ebates. However, those signing up under my link will also get a sign-up bonus from Ebates (typically $5-10).

Monday, November 14, 2011

Biscuit Waffles (alternatively titled The Laziest Breakfast Ever)

Y'all. Pinterest rocks my world. Such amazing ideas, and yesterday's breakfast at the Sasha's proves it!

Biscuit Waffles!

The cast of characters:

Pack of refrigerated biscuits


Waffle Maker

Spray generously with Pam, then slap a biscuit in there and close.


Isn't that amazing? And they were fabulous. Perfect size for the kiddos, and tasted great.

So what fabulous ideas have you found on Pinterest?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Kisses to Buford Betty!

Buford Betty, I am giving you big smooches today! You are my fashion hero!

I wear black slacks and dress shoes most days to work, so I am always on the lookout for a cute, comfy shoe with some sort of heel- being only 5'2", I need a little height. And last March I posted about my latest find, the Madden Upskale pump.

They are absolutely darling and so so comfy. I love the little ruffle and think it gives it a little "something".

Last week Buford Betty posted about some of her baby shower outfits (yay for the soon-to-arrive Buford Betty Baby!), and LOOK LOOK LOOK, she found the same shoe, called Sondra Ruffle, at Target in PEWTER! And RED! AND ONLY $20!!!!!!!

I am sure it goes without saying to say that I ordered them. In two colors.

They arrived last night and fit PERFECT and are exactly like the $50 Maddens. So today I am sporting the Pewter ones along with a company grey cardi and I look FAB. Well, as fab as you can look in company garb.

So I just wanted to give Buford Betty a big shout-out and pass on this fabulous find.

One quick on-line shopping note: Ebates offers 3% back for shopping at Target, so be sure and start your shopping there. And if you are new to Ebates, we'll each get a sign-up bonus of at least $5. (Disclosure: The link to Ebates is a referral link.)