
Friday, May 28, 2010

She Who Is Afraid of NOTHING

This is The Wild Child, loving on a snake found in the yard last night... notice all the other legs, many feet away.

She was even playing with his tongue.... and letting it crawl all over her arm.

Although I love having a little country girl who likes to get dirty and is brave, I am worried about what the future holds for someone who has no natural fear. Seriously.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fresh Sugar Plum Lip Treatment

(photo from Sephora)

One of my favorite lip balms, Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment, is now available in Plum and of course I just ordered it because I am absolutely obsessed with all things plum. It's a bit pricy at $22.50, but it's a worthwhile luxury to me. I also have the Rose and Clear and have repurchased several times.

Sephora has a code for 10% off for their VIBers good through June 7th... V436CB

And good Lord, don't forget to go thru ebates.... 4% back.

Disclosure: This post contains an ebates referral link.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Review: Clean & Clear Pore Perfecting Moisturizer

This photo was taken in the car.... right before I returned this product to CVS. So nice that they have such a good guarantee on their health/beauty items, because I was allergic to this product.
I thought it would be a great product- an oil free moisturizer with SPF that acts as a primer. And I figured if it was by Clearn & Clear, it certainly wouldn't break me out.

And it seemed fine in the morning. My makeup went on nicely. I was shine free at lunch. But by mid-afternoon, it was getting warmer outside (and in my office, sucky A/C), and I started itching. Very bad. I need to take a look at the ingredients, because the itching was similar to the effect that Bare Minerals has on me, and I've been told that it could be bismuth.

So this was a no-go. What moisturizer with SPF are you using right now? I'm testing out one from Kate Sommerville and so far so good- more on that later.

Friday, May 21, 2010


I'm just not sure we could take another day this week. The Wild Child had been doing so well at therapy and in school recently. In fact, our behavior therapist suggested we take a break since she was doing so well- she thought we had it under control. It's probably been about 6-8 weeks since we have had an appointment for WC. We are still doing maintenance listening therapy for her Sensory Processing Disorder, doing 10 minutes per day of a Samoas CD in an effort to minimize what her OT thinks is Central Auditory Processing Disorder.
And in what I thought was an unrelated note, I was just thinking that I hadn't done a "Notes from School" post in quite a while. But *this* is not the post I wanted to do.
5-18 WC was loud and restless at nap. While Miss C was talking to a parent in the room, WC rolled over and kicked her multiple times.
5-19 WC had a very hard time listening to teachers today. At lunch she was asked many time to get her knees off the table, and she continued to put them up there on purpose, so she ate in the office.
5-20 WC had a hard time listening again today. She got mad at one of her friends and scratched them on the face. We talked about using our words and telling the teacher instead of hurting others. She did very good at nap today!
And when I went in her classroom today and saw a cookie in a baggie on her hook, I knew that was a bad sign- that meant she didn't get to participate in a birthday snack.
5-21 WC still had a hard time listening and following directions. She shoved her friend in line instead of using words.
I am so full of sad right now....... I figured we would need to go back to behavior therapy at some point, I just didn't think it would be so soon. That's 4 days in a row! I can't put my hands on Monday's sheet right now, but I bet there was something on there as well...........................

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thirsty Thursday: 5-20-10

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks is hosting Thirsty Thursday today, and I of course am joining in.

On Monday, Hungry Girl told me about Sinless Margarita Mix, and I am intrigued! I think I may place an order but wondered if anyone has tried it?
Here's what Hungry Girl said:
Sinless Margarita Mix - We tend to be a tad skeptical of stevia-sweetened products until we taste them. Well, this all-natural, non-alcoholic mix is REALLY GOOD. No bitter aftertaste. Really. A 3-oz. serving has only 5 calories, 2g carbs, and nothing else (POINTS® value 0*). Just combine 2 - 3 parts mix with 1 part tequila, and you're good to go! Click to find (if you live in Georgia) or buy online.
A shot of tequila has about 100 calories in it, so it looks like you could have a very-low calorie margarita using this mix. The Sashas are getting a new back patio poured and will hopefully get to spend many an evening outside enjoying the summer while the kids play. In my vision, I am drinking a margarita... should it be a Sinless one?

Music Monday: Smashing Pumpkins "Today"

One of my friend just tweeted that she was listening to Smashing Pumpkins "Today". Wow- the 90s came rushing back to me and I had to listen to it myself!

Join me!

What are you listening to today? Head over to Hair Bows & Guitar Picks and join in!

Amazon Anonymous

My friend Beth posted last week about her recent purchases from Amazon and I got scared. That's right, scared! I know that having a Prime membership has seriously spoiled me... I can get things at my door so quickly I often impulse shop.

I do have an Amazon Visa credit card that gives Amazon credit as a reward (sign up now and get an instant $40 Amazon reward!), and I do make a very small percentage on my Amazon referral links, so it's not all out-of-pocket, but still, seeing this list makes me look like a shopaholic!

So here we go.....

For me

for the kiddos....

Are you embarrassed to be my friend?

Disclosure: This post contains Amazon referral links, upon which I earn a very small percentage....

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dear Honda,

If you want to make the Honda Odyssey version of this, just holler.... the Sashas are glad to oblige.

BTW, the whispered "I gotta go potty" kills me every time.....


Shit My Kids Ruined

Thinking of submitting this to my new favorite site, Shit My Kids Ruined, with the tagline "My last roll of TP."

Monday, May 10, 2010

Block Party: Best Little Neighborhood in the (South)West

I am still tired from a wondeful weekend. Saturday was our annual block party, and let me tell you, we throw down. Kegs, street closure, a salsa contest, Minute to Win It, inflatables and other fun stuff for the kids- it's a blast.

The hubs won second in the salsa contest with his Pineapple Chipolte salsa, which he made for me since I am a huge fan of Taco Cabana's.

These two little girls went sno-cone crazy. See why we call her Wild Child (right)?

My little budding artist.

Hope you had a great weekend too!

Friday, May 7, 2010


I am officially obsessed with Glee, this we all know. But how cool is this?????

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

For My Fellow Owl Lovers

Megan? Erin? Christy? Holly? Shannon? Katy? Michelle? Any of you guys around? Lookie what I got to see!

Our family went to a special kids night at the zoo, and one of the highlights was that they brought out this little guy for us to see. So cute!

Monday, May 3, 2010

This Just Can't Wait Until Thirsty Thursday

I know it's only the beginnig of May, but I'm putting out the announcement that it's officially "The Summer of Beer 2010". Are you ready?

My good friend Gina came over Saturday night with a drink recommended by the cashier at the liquor store and as she says, "It's delightful!".

Mixing equal parts of Leinenkugel's Berry Weiss and Summer Shandy (a lemonade beer) makes a Pink Lemonade that's very refreshing and summery.

Do you know of any other beer combos I need to try this summer?